

  • You can do everything with ground turkey that you do with any other ground meats. Depending on what your diet allows, get creative! Ground Turkey is kind of plain, and it can get weird when you cook it..but it doesn't have a strong distinct flavor (imo) so you can pretty much make it taste like whatever tickles your fancy.
  • Tulio from The Road to El Dorado..I'm pretty sure that's Disney..lol
  • The only way you fail is if you quit. Slowing down, not reaching your goals in time, and even slipping up....are all ok so long as you don't quit. Today and tomorrow may be great, the third and fourth day might suck, even the fifth, who knows...but keep going..the 30th day will be glorious...the 100th day even more so..…
  • People who educate themselves will not be offended by any of this, it is simply the truth. Feeling things is normal...feeling things and not really understanding why you feel that way...that's ignorance. A fear of gaining weight is a rational one, although when you are at a healthy weight..or below a healthy weight..such a…
  • Personally, I am reluctant to go to the gym because it's much harder to faceplant on the sidewalk than on a treadmill, and it's free. Gyms are expensive, not the cleanest, and full of stinky, sweaty, people who, half the time, are there to get laid. Buying your own equipment (new or used) is a much better investment than…
  • Pssh.. Eating it? I gain weight just looking at it haha =P
  • Most people who eat 1200 calories a day AND express fear of gaining weight have eating disorders period. People who eat 1200 calories a day because they have taken the time out to do not only fitness research, but scientific research as well, won't be afraid to gain weight because they are obviously not simple minded. This…
  • I have, and it was one of the BEST decisions I have ever made. After weighing between horror stories and pain killer addiction+surgery, I figured I would try some good ol' adjustments! In the beginning of 2012, I could barely get up, and I could barely walk. I couldn't stay still for more than a few minutes, because I was…
  • Find something other than food that makes you happy, many things actually. Same thing works if you are tying to quit smoking, biting your nails, or using cocaine. Replacement pleasures (so long as you are not about to substitute bad eating habits with any of the above or worse, all is well) That is really the only way to…