Has anybody ever received treatment from.......



  • Miss_Izz
    I have, and it was one of the BEST decisions I have ever made.

    After weighing between horror stories and pain killer addiction+surgery, I figured I would try some good ol' adjustments!

    In the beginning of 2012, I could barely get up, and I could barely walk. I couldn't stay still for more than a few minutes, because I was in so much pain.

    The base of my spine is twisted to the right and tilted upwards, thus making it grind against my hip bone. I have nerve damage in my right leg, and plenty of arthritis between the arch of my back and my right foot.

    Medical doctors will give you painkillers and tell you to exercise. Your bones are meant to move, and if they moved to the wrong place, they are able to move back to the right place. Also, medical doctors will also push for surgeries..unnecessary ones.

    What is really more unnatural? Being doped up and cut open..or moving your bones and joints around..hmm

    People who bash chiropractors are often not educated enough in medicine (and I'm ranging this from grandmas remedies to brain surgery and every thing event the voodoo medicine and christian praying bs in between) to make any sort of judgement calls.

    It makes a difference. If I had not gone to a chiropractor, I would have enough nerve damage not to be able to walk by now. If I went to a medical doctor, I would have metal rods in my hips that would prevent me from being a normally functioning human being.

    Your chiropractor will also warn you about prescription drug addiction, the horrors of surgery (which far surpass those about chiropractors), and he or she will make you feel better instantly, and continue to do so until your muscles get used to the way things are supposed to be.
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    Starting going a little over a year ago after an ER visit for my back (couldnt sit down at all). They gave me a pain shot and told me to see my regular doc for more tests. Instead I went to a chiro and after 2 weeks of visits not only was my back fine most of the time, but I was standing taller, doing stretches recommended (very important) and felt better than I had in years.The adjustments in my neck took care of some chronic headaches as well.

    My 16 year old son was told by an orthopediast through x-rays that one leg was 1/4-1/2 inch shorter than the other. They wanted to do surgery to stop the growth plate of the longer leg and let the other one catch up. My chiro evaluated him, did some adjustments, and his legs are perfectly even! His hips were just out of wack due to slight scoliosis and odd muscle tightness. He goes regularly now as well (they have a kids cash pay program at my "wellness clinic".

    We are both in "maintenance" mode - we go about once a month unless we feel we need to more, and we are working on exercises and weight to eventually cut that down..

    I have no idea if other chiros are like this, but I love mine!!! She truly wants me to feel better, and I never feel she is selling me on anything. Her partner is equally as awesome and I am comfortable if we need to see her either. If you go, be sure to follow their recommendations on stretches and modifications to sitting etc. Those make everything better (if they dont tell you any, ASK).

    I have this same issue due to my a SI joint. I have PT exercises I do at home to keep it right but need to get realigned ASAP. Good on you for taking your son and preventing unnecessary surgery.
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    Oh and I took my daughter when she was 3 because she got chronic ear infections and chronic bronchitis and after her first adjustment she hasn't had a single ear infection again. She is now 11. She only gets croupy once a winter season now as opposed to having it constantly and needing a breathing machine every night. When she was 1 1/2 she had very little hearing and when she got tubes in her ears and could hear I cried because I was so happy when she actually got up and danced to the music at her daycare for the first time. I just wish I'd known about chiropractic care before she had tubes. Even with the tubes she fot awful ear infections.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    no. he just hurt my neck. :(
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    You're better off seeing a medical doctor who has been through years of training and is licensed to practice medicine. Chiropractors are not medical doctors and are not qualified to treat people for ailments. A chiropractor is no more qualified to provide medical treatment than you or I.

    Here's a nice semi-quick background as to what chiropractic actually is and why is dangerous:

    This poster must be a doctor. Doctors want to treat the symptoms with pills costing arms and legs plus leading to the illnesses from taking meds. Chiropractors treat the problem and fix it... No more symptoms no pills no more ****ing medical bills.
  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    You're better off seeing a medical doctor who has been through years of training and is licensed to practice medicine. Chiropractors are not medical doctors and are not qualified to treat people for ailments. A chiropractor is no more qualified to provide medical treatment than you or I.

    Here's a nice semi-quick background as to what chiropractic actually is and why is dangerous:

    This poster must be a doctor. Doctors want to treat the symptoms with pills costing arms and legs plus leading to the illnesses from taking meds. Chiropractors treat the problem and fix it... No more symptoms no pills no more ****ing medical bills.

    I'm no doctor, just a believer in science-based medicine. You can't simply make up treatments without having a scientific basis for the treatment, evidence, and passing through rigorous clinical trials. Chiropractors have none of the above, just a well developed imagination.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Chiropractors are dangerous. There are some sickos who practice on newborns. They have the potential to paralyze people.
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    I was in a horrible car crash in 1997. I was in a Chevy Suburban and walked away, severly beat up, but walking while the compact car that came across the double yellow because the driver passed out did not do as well. She was really hurt.

    After the doctor visit and x-rays showing that all the muscels along my spine had siezed, I was perscribed muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatories, which made me feel like my brain was full of fog.

    I'm sure the NSAID helped, but I know that my physical therapy with the chiropractor as I was healing was wonderful. Everything hurt so badly, and it really, really helped to have my back and neck worked on. I think it made my healing and recovery much faster than it would have been with just the medicine alone. I rarely get back spasms now, but when I do, because I had therapy with a competent chiropractor, I know what to do and how to stretch and exercise to help my body recover (+ NSAIDs heh).
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    You're better off seeing a medical doctor who has been through years of training and is licensed to practice medicine. Chiropractors are not medical doctors and are not qualified to treat people for ailments. A chiropractor is no more qualified to provide medical treatment than you or I.

    Here's a nice semi-quick background as to what chiropractic actually is and why is dangerous:

    This is nonsense. Do you know how long a chiropractor trains in school? Like an MD, a BS is required, then an additional 3-4 years training which includes thousands of hours of practical training, interning and well as clinical internship. If you don't want to go to a practitioner--don't go. Your loss. And btw....chiropractors don't provide "medical treatment" they provide adjustments of the muscular-skeletal system to address underlying issues of chronic pain,degenerative disease, and pre-existing malformations. As several posters have pointed out, a "holistic" approach. Which, when done correctly doesn't require medication.

    Chiropractic school is balony. I don't care if you train for 20 years to be a chiropractor, just because you are an expert in nonsense does not make it any less nonsense. Do you not think that "adjusting" your muscular-skeletal system would be something that is more suited to a trained and licensed orthopedic doctor? Holistic medicine is based around taking advantage of the placebo effect rather than actually trying to correct any potential problems. Not only is chiropractic, nonsense, it is expensive and potentially dangerous. Do not try to legitimize holistic medicine which is nothing more than potentially dangerous make-believe treatments.

    I will just say that you are absolutely entitled to your opinion. And I absolutely disagree with it. It is intriguing that you are so dismissive of the opinions of others. But hardly surprising. Holistic Medicine=treating the body as a whole system NOT treating A symptom without understanding the underlying cause. As far as placebo effect? I am sure that there are many instances in all courses of treatment that have this outcome in every part of medicine.

    Orthopedic Dr's don't make adjustments to the muscular-skeletal system ( unless it is to treat a dislocation/set a broken bone, etc). Osteopathic Dr''s, however, do sometimes. Chiropractors are trained solely in this discipline, so seeking them out to do any muscular-skeletal manipulation is a logical choice for an adjustment of this nature.

    All forms of medicine has the potential for "danger", which is why understanding treatment is so important. As far as expense? It will cost you way more in $$$ in the course of a lifetime to be "treated" with medications that aren't curative than to seek treatment that will prevent or cure.

    I have had really amazing success in using not only chiropractics, but other "baloney" alternative treatments as well. Adversely, I have used medicines that have had horrible side effects, adverse reactions ( allergy, neurologic), and haven't really helped with the same issues treated by "baloney".
  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    Chiropractors are dangerous. There are some sickos who practice on newborns. They have the potential to paralyze people.

  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    I will just say that you are absolutely entitled to your opinion. And I absolutely disagree with it. It is intriguing that you are so dismissive of the opinions of others. But hardly surprising. Holistic Medicine=treating the body as a whole system NOT treating A symptom without understanding the underlying cause. As far as placebo effect? I am sure that there are many instances in all courses of treatment that have this outcome in every part of medicine.

    Orthopedic Dr's don't make adjustments to the muscular-skeletal system ( unless it is to treat a dislocation/set a broken bone, etc). Osteopathic Dr''s, however, do sometimes. Chiropractors are trained solely in this discipline, so seeking them out to do any muscular-skeletal manipulation is a logical choice for an adjustment of this nature.

    All forms of medicine has the potential for "danger", which is why understanding treatment is so important. As far as expense? It will cost you way more in $$$ in the course of a lifetime to be "treated" with medications that aren't curative than to seek treatment that will prevent or cure.

    I have had really amazing success in using not only chiropractics, but other "baloney" alternative treatments as well. Adversely, I have used medicines that have had horrible side effects, adverse reactions ( allergy, neurologic), and haven't really helped with the same issues treated by "baloney".

    I'm just going to agree to disagree, I'm not going to convince you of anything.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Yes, I go several times a week. The curve in my neck is inverted.
    The adjustments are getting it normalized again.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    You're better off seeing a medical doctor who has been through years of training and is licensed to practice medicine. Chiropractors are not medical doctors and are not qualified to treat people for ailments. A chiropractor is no more qualified to provide medical treatment than you or I.

    Here's a nice semi-quick background as to what chiropractic actually is and why is dangerous:

    This is nonsense. Do you know how long a chiropractor trains in school? Like an MD, a BS is required, then an additional 3-4 years training which includes thousands of hours of practical training, interning and well as clinical internship. If you don't want to go to a practitioner--don't go. Your loss. And btw....chiropractors don't provide "medical treatment" they provide adjustments of the muscular-skeletal system to address underlying issues of chronic pain,degenerative disease, and pre-existing malformations. As several posters have pointed out, a "holistic" approach. Which, when done correctly doesn't require medication.

    Chiropractic school is balony. I don't care if you train for 20 years to be a chiropractor, just because you are an expert in nonsense does not make it any less nonsense. Do you not think that "adjusting" your muscular-skeletal system would be something that is more suited to a trained and licensed orthopedic doctor? Holistic medicine is based around taking advantage of the placebo effect rather than actually trying to correct any potential problems. Not only is chiropractic, nonsense, it is expensive and potentially dangerous. Do not try to legitimize holistic medicine which is nothing more than potentially dangerous make-believe treatments.

    Well every major league sports team in existence would probably disagree with you. Most of them make use of Chiropractic as part of the treatment for injured players.
  • AnchoredinHimfitness
    Yes and I love it. I had severe neck pain and could not even move it. I went in 3x in one week and then have never had a problem again. I need to start going to him once a week. He works wonders.
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    This isn't a debate. OP asked for experiences with Chiropractics. You don't have any. You're derailing.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    I appreciate the feedback from everyone, including the links to additional information. The main reason I felt being "sold" were the treatment recommendations. I had difficulty understanding how this person could recommend such long term treatment with so many extras (physical therapy, a special pillow etc.) from limited testing and a small amount of re-evaluations to see if there is any improvement. In addition, the maintenance plan was about the same length as the initial treatment plan.:huh: I understand there are good and bad practitioners in all fields, but I had a strong feeling that they saw dollar signs. After giving my medical history (which includes the initial injuries to my back), I was surprised there were no orders for additional testing.

    I am a big fan of science and it seems like a business move to inform a person on the dangers etc. of pain medication and surgeries, when that person cannot prescribe medications or perform the surgeries. That is a major concern for me. How do I know the chiropractor would not be doing more harm without additional testing? As I said earlier, one of my appointments next week is with a medical doctor because I want to cover all of my bases. Obviously, those that know my full medical history will be able to guide me more efficiently than randoms on the internet, :laugh: but I am learning more about various approaches to treatment and I appreciate all the feedback. :flowerforyou:

    edited because I am a big fan of paragraphs also...:smile: