Has anybody ever received treatment from.......



  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member

    See?Holistic approach and compliance, the body is a whole, not parts sewn together!

    Absolutely! There is much to be said about a holistic approach for preventative and healing therapies!
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Love my chiropractor, though now that I am much more active, I don't need to use him as much. He's been in business forever, I think he's 75 now, but I trust him completely. I've been going to him on and off for 13 years, though it's been probably 2 years since I needed him this time around.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    it helped my neck after a car accident
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    I will admit that I am skeptical about the chiropractor, but I am willing to learn more about it. After completing some tests and a consult, I felt like I was being "sold" on treatment and all they saw was dollar signs in their eyes. My back is horrible and I feel like it is keeping me from doing a wide range of activities. I have a couple of appointments next week and I hope to get it sorted out soon. Thanks again for the feedback.
  • Kiyalynn
    Kiyalynn Posts: 128 Member
    I love the Chiropractor.

    My mother has chronic back pain, and herniated dics. The Chiropractor eases her pain substantially. That chiropractor also Helped coach my brother into how to get into the Navy... with scoliosis. I also had a problem with a knee injury that after one year in physically rehab and a Second year of pain and constant swelling. I finally had the Chiropractor look at it, He simply adjusted the knee and put the tendon that was out of place back in. It took some time going back tot he chiropractor often for some time and walking. However now... My knee has little problems, in fact its only problem is a touch of arthritis in the cold. I also suffer from bad headaches at the back of my head, One adjustment and they are gone. As a well endowed woman, I also suffer from chronic back pain from the extra weight, the Chiropractor eases that pain substantially.

    Chiropractors, do not do surgery, or prescribe drugs and yet they can help Back pain, Headaches, Sinus trouble, stomach trouble and every part of your body attached to your nervous system. But you have to understand, Your first adjustment, will probably hurt, It has probably been a long time since your back was lined up right. Because of that, Your back will fall OUT of alignment quicker after a adjustment. Its by going back repeatedly and retraining the muscles in your spine to hold your back back in alignment that will allow you to get the full benefit of a chiropractor.

    Without it, I would suffer from constant knee pain, and would of likely had knee surgery. As well as suffer from chronic headaches, and back pain. Instead, I feel great.
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    Starting going a little over a year ago after an ER visit for my back (couldnt sit down at all). They gave me a pain shot and told me to see my regular doc for more tests. Instead I went to a chiro and after 2 weeks of visits not only was my back fine most of the time, but I was standing taller, doing stretches recommended (very important) and felt better than I had in years.The adjustments in my neck took care of some chronic headaches as well.

    My 16 year old son was told by an orthopediast through x-rays that one leg was 1/4-1/2 inch shorter than the other. They wanted to do surgery to stop the growth plate of the longer leg and let the other one catch up. My chiro evaluated him, did some adjustments, and his legs are perfectly even! His hips were just out of wack due to slight scoliosis and odd muscle tightness. He goes regularly now as well (they have a kids cash pay program at my "wellness clinic".

    We are both in "maintenance" mode - we go about once a month unless we feel we need to more, and we are working on exercises and weight to eventually cut that down..

    I have no idea if other chiros are like this, but I love mine!!! She truly wants me to feel better, and I never feel she is selling me on anything. Her partner is equally as awesome and I am comfortable if we need to see her either. If you go, be sure to follow their recommendations on stretches and modifications to sitting etc. Those make everything better (if they dont tell you any, ASK).
  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    I was skeptical about going to my chiropractor, my personal trainer recommended me seeing her. One side effect after 'chiro' treatment was my greatly improved balance, and coordination. I just couldn't do some exercises prior to treatment, and felt a klutz. The difference in my balance from one week to the next was amazing. Stuff I couldn't do one week, I aced the next, subsequent to treatment.
  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    You're better off seeing a medical doctor who has been through years of training and is licensed to practice medicine. Chiropractors are not medical doctors and are not qualified to treat people for ailments. A chiropractor is no more qualified to provide medical treatment than you or I.

    Here's a nice semi-quick background as to what chiropractic actually is and why is dangerous:
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    One of my appointments next week is with a medical doctor. I want to cover all of my bases before making any major decisions.
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    You're better off seeing a medical doctor who has been through years of training and is licensed to practice medicine. Chiropractors are not medical doctors and are not qualified to treat people for ailments. A chiropractor is no more qualified to provide medical treatment than you or I.

    Here's a nice semi-quick background as to what chiropractic actually is and why is dangerous:

    Personally, the doctor's only solution for regular chronic back pain was pain pills. The chiro is not a medical doctor, but I didnt want medicine, so that worked out well. She explained how my muscles were not balanced and offered specific steps to solve the underlying problem. If you were trying to lift weights and only ever worked your pecs and not your lats, or only your left side and not your right, you would become a serious mess of a person with all kinds of pain from your body's un-symmetry trying to resolve itself to help you function. For me, sitting at a computer, usally leaning to one side, meant one side of my neck was stronger and tighter than the other side, and the opposite oblique was much stronger than the other side... Not a pretty situation!

    By all means see a medical doctor to rule out underlying causes and issues that really warrant medicinal solutions. But chiropractors have their place, and good ones know where the line is and will refer you back to your medical doctor if they do not believe it has a cause they can help with.
  • Trueray
    Trueray Posts: 1,189 Member
    Yes, he fixed the left side of my body with the numbness and tightness of the chest but the right side started to give me trouble.
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    You're better off seeing a medical doctor who has been through years of training and is licensed to practice medicine. Chiropractors are not medical doctors and are not qualified to treat people for ailments. A chiropractor is no more qualified to provide medical treatment than you or I.

    Here's a nice semi-quick background as to what chiropractic actually is and why is dangerous:

    This is nonsense. Do you know how long a chiropractor trains in school? Like an MD, a BS is required, then an additional 3-4 years training which includes thousands of hours of practical training, interning and well as clinical internship. If you don't want to go to a practitioner--don't go. Your loss. And btw....chiropractors don't provide "medical treatment" they provide adjustments of the muscular-skeletal system to address underlying issues of chronic pain,degenerative disease, and pre-existing malformations. As several posters have pointed out, a "holistic" approach. Which, when done correctly doesn't require medication.
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    Yes and it was a waste of money. I personally think she was a scammer and was bilking my insurance company. It was $25/session for me to go and the insurance picked up the rest. I would spend half an hour in the waiting room for a 2 minute back crack.
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    OP: Definitely a good approach to rule out all things and seeing your Dr! And being skeptical toward a new treatment is a good response--it really makes you ask all the right questions, and helps to evaluate in earnest what your results are if/when you pursue treatment.

    But I am wondering--do you feel you can expand on your feeling and telling us what made you feel as though you were being sold a bill of goods? In situations like this, I tend to go with my instincts....and would advise others to do the same. Have you spoken to more than one Chiro?? Also.....sorry to hear you're in pain......
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    Yes and it was a waste of money. I personally think she was a scammer and was bilking my insurance company. It was $25/session for me to go and the insurance picked up the rest. I would spend half an hour in the waiting room for a 2 minute back crack.

    I've been to a few of these too. I don't go back. I find a new practitioner. With care like that, you may as well go to a regular Dr...long wait, and 2 minutes of treatment? No thanks.
  • LoveLea3
    I have a Chiropractor in Calgary Dr Lawrence Irwin
    He is AMAZING!!!! He so helped me out in my healing journey.
    He is a man that cares! He has my back!
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    Yes and it was a waste of money. I personally think she was a scammer and was bilking my insurance company. It was $25/session for me to go and the insurance picked up the rest. I would spend half an hour in the waiting room for a 2 minute back crack.

    I've been to a few of these too. I don't go back. I find a new practitioner. With care like that, you may as well go to a regular Dr...long wait, and 2 minutes of treatment? No thanks.

    Agreed. I think I also made myself believe it was working.
  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    You're better off seeing a medical doctor who has been through years of training and is licensed to practice medicine. Chiropractors are not medical doctors and are not qualified to treat people for ailments. A chiropractor is no more qualified to provide medical treatment than you or I.

    Here's a nice semi-quick background as to what chiropractic actually is and why is dangerous:

    This is nonsense. Do you know how long a chiropractor trains in school? Like an MD, a BS is required, then an additional 3-4 years training which includes thousands of hours of practical training, interning and well as clinical internship. If you don't want to go to a practitioner--don't go. Your loss. And btw....chiropractors don't provide "medical treatment" they provide adjustments of the muscular-skeletal system to address underlying issues of chronic pain,degenerative disease, and pre-existing malformations. As several posters have pointed out, a "holistic" approach. Which, when done correctly doesn't require medication.

    Chiropractic school is balony. I don't care if you train for 20 years to be a chiropractor, just because you are an expert in nonsense does not make it any less nonsense. Do you not think that "adjusting" your muscular-skeletal system would be something that is more suited to a trained and licensed orthopedic doctor? Holistic medicine is based around taking advantage of the placebo effect rather than actually trying to correct any potential problems. Not only is chiropractic, nonsense, it is expensive and potentially dangerous. Do not try to legitimize holistic medicine which is nothing more than potentially dangerous make-believe treatments.
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    I have and I love it. I feel so alive after a visit but as another poster said it does not work for everyone. My insurance doesn't cover it right now but that's about to change because I seriously need an adjustment.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I've only gone twice. I can't remember why I went the first time. The second, I went out of desperation because I had Bell's palsy - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell's_palsy - for 3 weeks. The GP had me doing electroshock on my face (my sister shocked me with a mini electro-gun on 9 nerve points in my face). I am very uncomfortable with any thing/one near my face, so I went to a chiropractor for a general adjustment. I don't have Bell's palsy anymore and you can't tell that I ever had it.

    The only thing I don't like about chiropractic visits is the neck adjustment. I always expect to be paralyzed.