

  • Hi Cindie here with Meniere's - diagnosed Feb. 2013 - lost 50 since then and I feel surely partially because I would spin so bad I'd lose the food I did ingest. I also cut out CATS - caffeine (out completely) - alcohol (none) - tobacco (don't smoke) - and sodium (less than 1000 mgs daily) I also walk daily - most days if…
  • Lemon rind - i put it in my rice or just in my water - however it helps with tinnitus - i also have MD (meniere's) and was diagnosed Feb. 2013 - lost 50 since then by cutting out salt and taking a diuretic - i also follow John Of Ohio regimen and that starts with LEMON BIOFLAVINOIDS (found on amazon) for the tinnitus and…
  • try using CITRUS (lemons, limes, oranges, any kind) to flavor your veggies -
  • - is a great start - plus you can google low sodium recipes and it comes up with hundreds - just be careful that you SEE the nutritional info for each recipe before going forward - best of luck to you.
  • try this one: :smile: i use it ALLOT and love it!
  • I have been using this website - since Feb and have lost 50 lbs - woot - and I love Chinese and this site has a General Tao chicken that is truly awesome! Enjoy
  • This one is pretty good - however I use Mrs. Dash CHILI seasoning packet (these are new and are awesome - they also have Tacos, Fajitas, and others)
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