

  • I get it, and on the sugar..all sugar is bad if it's too much but I wonder if one overeats with tons of added (read bad as in chocolate and cookies.and cruesly etc etc etc) and then eats practically none of that but only lean skimmed and healthy foods (no more white meals etc but all whole meal too) it's the end of the…
  • I do have a lot of bodyfat to loose so that would make it important then I guess but, I see I got something wrong. I thought in order to loose weight with my level of weight/excersize a day etc I needed to stay under what it says I need a day which is set at 1200 (as normally I think for a grown woman it's 1500 or more…
  • Thanks guys :) I ám seeing a diabetis nurse regularly but when I was overeating my sugar levels withóut taking any medicines were always around 7.5 or lower so now I'm eating healthy and slim most of the time that's not an issue. I do have high blood pressure but take medicines and they're usually good now but I know I…
  • What do you mean by Macro's? (Sorry feel dumb to ask but I'm new at all this :) )
  • LOL I changed it. I saw the "1 servings of 100 gram" and figured that must be the normal amount for one serving then but when I saw the amount cooked I was in shock much. The calories also jumped out of proportion so I went and devided it all in two because I will eat from this two days. How much (dry LOL) do you…
    in UHOH Comment by SlimCat14 October 2013
  • Hi, I'm new too and look forward helping others as well as getting help myself. Nice "meeting" you. I've lossed 33 pounds sofar and am hoping to loose about 59 pounds more but that is a loooong way off..