emby Member


  • I just started it. I decided what the heck, try it for a month. So far, I really like it. You can set how many calories you want in a day, and exclude certain proteins (like shellfish). They give you 3 meals plus snacks for each day, and it gives you several options for each meal, each day. So you aren't stuck if you don't…
  • Sweet--: a mashed banana, slivered almonds, cinnamon and maple syrup. Savory--But what I really love is a little green chili (spicy) and some shredded cheddar.
  • So get your family involved in the cooking! My oldest daughter (14) has just decided to be a vegetarian, so I told her she needed to learn how to cook some tasty vegetarian meals. I don't cook separate meals. But don't forget, along with spices, you can also add salsa to almost anything for a flavor boost. We recently got…