

  • Hi, I am doing Asylum. I started on 1/11. I am on day 14 today. So far, I've only rested on the one rest day during week one. I was extremely sore the first week. I am still sore. I can feel myself getting stronger, but the soreness goes away and come back in another spot. I hope that means I am working hard. I haven't…
  • I've tried both P90X and P90X2. I recommend P90X. I did this one after my first child and lost 10 pounds in a month. I am now trying Insanity - Asylum. I feel it is more female friendly. It is a lot of cardio. I've done it for a week and already lost some pounds and and couple inches on my waist. I am pretty excited. But I…
  • That is fantastic and encouraging! I started Insanity this past Wednesday. I hope my results are as great as yours are.