Adele Member


  • Thank you, I needed this! Everytime I am doing well a Holiday comes around! I am going to work out Friday, Saturday and Sunday...I am going to eat before I go to cookouts - I am going to refrain from drinking (this causes me to overeat). I am staying on the right path this weekend! :smile: :wink:
  • You look great in your profile pic! 30 lbs is a huge accomplishment and I am sure it was not easy to attain. Just keep trekking...sometimes your body needs a break from the weightloss and then you start losing again. I've lost 26 lbs total and have "plateaued" for months took me YEARS to put it on, so it will take…
    in How painful Comment by Adele July 2009
  • That is fabulous!! Congratulations on Zumba and your weight loss! :smile:
  • How about a rowing maching? That will get your heart rate up!
    in Broken Foot Comment by Adele June 2009
  • I'd be careful...200 calories over once or twice a week is probably ok, but they start adding up quickly if it is everyday.
  • Chicken I have been marinating since yesterday, brocoli and brown staple dinner :smile:
  • I feel the same exact way! It is so much harder now....the food diary really does help me keep on track - as long as I am honest and log everyday. When I am bored I try and do something, like go outside with the kids, take a ride, something to get my mind off food. Good luck! :smile:
    in Lost my Focus Comment by Adele June 2009
  • Hope you don't mind that I am joining toward's the end of the month! I've been using MFP for quite some time, fell off the wagon, but am officially back on! :smile:
  • I hear is such a roller coaster! This site is can do it! :happy:
    in Back again Comment by Adele June 2009
  • I am a beginner runner - ran 2 miles today! Felt great even though it was misting out and chilly.
  • Do you work out regularly? I'm not a doctor, but I was told by my trainer to eat 1 gram of protein per pound of my I am usually WAY over! I work out four times a week with weights so your body needs this protein to help repair the muscles... Hope this helps!
    in Proteins Comment by Adele August 2008
  • I like the floral...very pretty color.
  • From what I've heard you should only do measurements once a month ~ I measure every 6 weeks so that I see progress!!! :wink:
  • I get these too! Drive me mother-in-law told me to pour bleach down the sink. She said they often breed in the drain - I don't know if it works...I try to do it every week....good luck!
    in Fruit flies!! Comment by Adele July 2008
  • Wow - you are AMAZING...
  • i would love to dig out an old picture, but i also don't think i have any! i didn't like cameras before now... everyone looks great!
  • Happy Birthday and enjoy!! :happy:
  • I know, same here!! And sometimes I feel like jeez...I only get so much food per day!! LOL This happens to me more at dinner...I make them all dinner and they eat it before I can even sit down to eat mine....then they eat part of mine too!
    in Sheesh!!!! Comment by Adele July 2008
  • Every night I have a Slim Bear fudgicle (take it off the stick and chop it up) and top it with Cool Whip Free...about 130 calories and SOOO worth it!!
    in Daily treat. Comment by Adele July 2008
  • That means its working!!! No gain!
  • Welcome back!!
    in yoo hoo! Comment by Adele July 2008
  • Wow - that is fabulous!!!
  • I know you are supposed to eat a set amount of calories, plus exercise ones too. I do eat them, BUT I cannot get over the guilt of eating them all! SO WEIRD...I am seeing results (well on a plateau right now). What is wrong with me?? Grrrrrr....I need to get over this mental issue! :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
    in The guilt... Comment by Adele July 2008
  • Woo hoo!!! That is great - and I LOVE your new haircut! Congrats ~ keep up the good work!!!
    in YES! Comment by Adele June 2008
  • Hey all my Boston friends! I live in Hanover, MA (about 25 miles South of Boston)...but still work in Boston.. love it!! :love:
  • Personally, I need the accountability. I didn't log very well the last two weeks and my weight has plateaued (spelling?). I know it is b/c there are things I ate and didn't think about...but if you still see progress than that works for you! :wink:
  • Your wish is my wish!! I've lost 16 pounds, but have actually gone down two sizes - I really wish I had a before pic. I have 25 lbs to go so I might take a before pic tonight! Adele
  • WOW!!! Great job!!!! :happy:
  • Good morning!!! Beautiful day here....
  • I was just venting about my Hubby to my girlfriend - he is a great Dad, but CLUELESS when it comes to getting them ready in the morning!! Drives me nuts!! :angry: