

  • I'm terrified about getting pregnant for a number of reasons, none of which are particularly relevant to this discussion thread. I've completely avoided taking Metformin because of the effects it can have on ovulation and fertility, even though it might help manage other symptoms. I'm on daily birth control pills, but I'm…
  • I tried to stop one of my meds while I was a junior in college. It made me super sleepy all the time, and I couldn't drink alcohol with it. Worst decision ever. I went into a terrible downward spiral, and it took about 6 months to stabilize again. That being said, I'm hoping my current cocktail's not my maintenance dose.…
  • I just started titrating onto Lamictal. I'm not bipolar, but many in my family are, and my depression takes on an unstable nature similar to bipolar disorder. My psychiatrist is hoping the Lamictal can help reduce the severity of my depression periods. Here's hoping. I was on Abilify for a while, but it contributed to…
  • http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/fats-full-story/#the-bottom-line This article from the Harvard school of Public Health tackles the issue of high fat and correlations with various diseases. It's not so simple as high fat/high cholesterol diets = coronary artery disease, a couple of times in the article the…
  • I worked in a cardiologist's office for years. Varied opinions exist about high fat diets/high cholesterol/etc. Some think it's just a gimmick to get people to buy cholesterol medication, etc. The consensus, and what we told patients, is that high fat, high cholesterol diets only increase your risk factors for heart…
  • I don't know about ColdPlum, but I'm on a cocktail of antidepressants, an anticonvulsant, a stimulant, and a sympatholytic. I was on an antipsychotic for a long time. Essentially the cocktail helps manage my depression and complications with Asperger's. As far as not functioning without the meds, before I was medicated I…
  • I tried laser hair removal from age 17-19. It worked a little bit, but I would have to go back on a monthly basis at least to get it re-done. I pluck and have tried using the No-No Hair. The No-No makes the hair easier to pluck but that's about it. My upper lip is way more pigmented than the rest of my face from the laser…
  • New as well. Diagnosed sophomore year of college. A few years of therapy and numerous medications later I've figured out how to blend into the NT world pretty well. I still really struggle with lots of social situations, and it takes me a week or longer to recover. I love my pets, miss my college friends who accepted me,…
    in Hello! Comment by cecarry1 July 2014
  • I'm more of a dopamine/norepinephrine type of girl, but my sister was on Lexapro for several years. She's weaned off of it slowly now that her eating disorder and anxiety are more under control. She doesn't weigh herself frequently due to the eating disorder issues, but she is definitely slimmer in the thigh/hip area. My…
  • Sounds like a brilliant idea. Running from zombies, post-apocalyptic monsters, etc. Or go Lord of the Rings and be Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas running to find Merry and Pippin. I was a footballer all the way through college, so pretending to be Ronaldo, etc. might bring up some traumatic memories of pre-season. Haha.
  • Animals are great pals! My roommate has 2 cats who, while not quite as good company as my parents dog, helped. [/quote] My kitty is great too. The added benefit of the dog is that he makes me move more. He has to go on walks or he keeps me awake all night. It's not intense exercise, but it's better than nothing. On the…
  • That and the whole thing being a metaphor for depression. It was like reliving the worst bouts on screen all over again!
  • I'm also trying to work with a nutritionist who can help me figure out how to eat sugars/fats/etc that boost my mood/energy level without overeating them.
  • Gravity should have come with a disclaimer for people with depression/easily influenced cortisol levels. That stupid thing messed me up for 4-5 months! My best resource for activity that reduces my stress/depression levels is walking/playing with my dog. No dog? Some animal shelters let volunteers play with/walk their pups.
  • I'm in a similar boat. Started off losing weight, now heavier than I've ever been. Mostly due to 2 or 3 really really bad cycles of depression. My psychiatrist is trying to help with my meds, but those take at least 6 weeks to start really helping. In the meantime, I spend as much time with my dog as possible. I'm computer…
  • I totally feel your pain. My version is similar only I had a series of orthopedic surgeries that basically retrained me to be sedentary. Two years ago I was playing soccer in college, and I at least enjoyed exercising. Now I get so depressed after working out to the point that I dread it. My shrink is playing with my meds…