Weight Loss with Cortisol Issues...

I have a pretty unique and specific issue here and I'm reaching out on the long shot that anyone else here might know something that can help with this. Super long story here but the short version is that I unknowingly harbored 3 different types of parasites for 2 years and was on a very slow but steady track to an early death until I was diagnosed and treated. I've been parasite free since December 2012. Most of the damage done has been resolved, with the exception of a sort of fragility of my limbic system. So, my cortisol levels are easily raised and I am genetically less capable of clearing it from my system. If I get too much cortisol for awhile (too stressed for whatever reason) I crash for about 2 months or so and will have ridiculously low energy, cannot workout, have difficulty sleeping, and dieting is futile. In other words, I go into Adrenal Fatigue. I have a great doc who is caring well for me (I get regular B injections etc) and says that I should be out of this phase in 5 years, so I'm itching for 2019!!

In the meantime, I am struggling with finding a balance with workouts and dieting that will allow me to lose weight (I have about 15 to 20 to lose) and will not raise my cortisol excessively. I am strong enough to do lots of things but, for example, I took a dance class once a week for 3 weeks and saw the movie Gravity, and that was enough cortisol to set me back for four months. I am overly ambitious, I suppose, but I can't quite figure out how to work this without crashing. For now (though I've not been good about logging) I eat back my exercise calories, and my workouts include 1 to 3 5ks/week running, 2-4 5ks walking, 3 karate classes, and 2 pilates classes. Any thoughts?


  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Keep the logging. That is the best tool. Are you considering reducing any of the exercise? Is that what you are asking. Depending on the issue, some people can do yoga or tai chi while their body is healing.
  • ColdPlum
    ColdPlum Posts: 57 Member
    I suppose what I'm asking is how to lose weight??? If i restrict my diet too much, my cortisol goes up. If I workout too hard, my cortisol goes up. I'm not certain that its possible for me to lose weight at all.
  • cecarry1
    cecarry1 Posts: 18
    Gravity should have come with a disclaimer for people with depression/easily influenced cortisol levels. That stupid thing messed me up for 4-5 months!

    My best resource for activity that reduces my stress/depression levels is walking/playing with my dog. No dog? Some animal shelters let volunteers play with/walk their pups.
  • cecarry1
    cecarry1 Posts: 18
    I'm also trying to work with a nutritionist who can help me figure out how to eat sugars/fats/etc that boost my mood/energy level without overeating them.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I suppose what I'm asking is how to lose weight??? If i restrict my diet too much, my cortisol goes up. If I workout too hard, my cortisol goes up. I'm not certain that its possible for me to lose weight at all.

    Work out less for five or six weeks. Stick with Walking and Pilates. Drop the Karate and running and then re-evalutate.
    Are you getting plenty of sleep?
  • conniemom
    conniemom Posts: 1
    so off again and on again... went Vegan and only lost about 4 lbs... still doing it about 85 % of time. but the rest is what is doing me in... I guess. I have lots of friends that can loose weight at twice the amount as me... I work out more ... eat better... and do not loose. Even did the HGC shots, that worked but took twice as long as others to loose and I did not cheat... so my thyroid is not right, I do take meds for it and the diets says that can cause slower results... great. I even have taken a break from my most stressful job.. Real Estate.. and trying to be more clam.... not working. 64 and only feel like 50 and look it too. So now what... I have tried everything and I hate that fat tire around my belly. Dancing, Zumba, walking, light reps on wights... Trying to drink more water... the hardest part for me. So I am hoping that by seeing what I really eat, that will tell me what is wrong. again. :ohwell: lol
    Is there a pill for Cortisol reduction that works?
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Since you're so sensitive to cortisol, I'd ditch ALL of the high intensity cardio (running especially). Opt for high volume, low intensity --- LOTS of walking and/or hiking. I'd look to lift heavy (3x5 Starting Strength is my personal favorite -- twice a week.

    Also, keep your deficit on the smaller side (500 cals per day or less). And incorporate a rest week ever 4-6 weeks to give your body time to recover from the lifting.

    Also, since stress is such a trigger issue for you, I'd look into some yoga or guided meditation to help with that. You can download some on your iphone and listen to them 10-20 mins per day. Chopra has some good ones too.
  • ColdPlum
    ColdPlum Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks everyone for the thoughtful advice. I don't get enough sleep, but not for lack of trying. Still working on that. I currently do mindfulness meditation daily, but will certainly drop the running, keep my deficit low, and will incorporate a rest week - I'd never thought of that - and will look into lifting. Karate shouldn't be an issue since its a family class and very low intensity. Its basically me, one other mom, and a bunch of 6 to 10 year olds. i should have mentioned that. If anything, I feel encouraged, so thanks!!
  • ColdPlum
    ColdPlum Posts: 57 Member
    Oh, and regarding meds...I"m on a ton already. Without them I wouldn't be able to function!
  • ColdPlum
    ColdPlum Posts: 57 Member
    It should have!!! Felt like I was having an hour and a half long panic attack!!! I stayed awake until 5:30am and had to cancel work the next day. I laid awake in bed for 7 straight hours just reliving that stupid movie and contemplating the inevitability of my own death. Fun times.
    Gravity should have come with a disclaimer for people with depression/easily influenced cortisol levels. That stupid thing messed me up for 4-5 months!
  • cecarry1
    cecarry1 Posts: 18
    That and the whole thing being a metaphor for depression. It was like reliving the worst bouts on screen all over again!
  • TrailRunnermn
    TrailRunnermn Posts: 105 Member
    Oh, and regarding meds...I"m on a ton already. Without them I wouldn't be able to function!

    What kind of meds? If you can't function without the meds, what did you do before them?
  • cecarry1
    cecarry1 Posts: 18
    Oh, and regarding meds...I"m on a ton already. Without them I wouldn't be able to function!

    What kind of meds? If you can't function without the meds, what did you do before them?

    I don't know about ColdPlum, but I'm on a cocktail of antidepressants, an anticonvulsant, a stimulant, and a sympatholytic. I was on an antipsychotic for a long time. Essentially the cocktail helps manage my depression and complications with Asperger's.

    As far as not functioning without the meds, before I was medicated I couldn't lead a relatively normal life. Sensory stimuli made it hard for me to do many things involving other humans or different environments because I'd overload and get almost catatonic. That was when I wasn't suicidal or in a fog of performing daily activities.