Keep up the good work it looks like you are making great progress. When you are around people that don't support you stay positive and I find it best to change the subject of what you are talking about if it is going in the wrong direction. If these people continue to be negative time and time again I would spend less time…
You Win!
I'm in lets do this. My only question is if it takes a day or two how do I keep coming back to this post to keep the count going?
Wow! Keep it up it will change your life. Make me want to get off the keyboard and go run.
Yes. It is under walking. Have fun!
I hope this helps. One year from now you can be at your goal or moving to it or you can be where you are now. No matter how you look at it you will still be a year older. Give it more time. This isn't a month long thing this is a life time thing. I hope you choose to stick with it and keep going in the direction you want.…