woodworm1972 Member


  • Best check inbox!!! Ahhh what's the point it's always empty lol I've lost 23lbs in 46 days and "I" feel hot as fc** :-)
  • I just thought I would put this bit of info on for those that dont really know any facts about Aspartame! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspartame_controversy
  • I gave that a read! although didnt find to much facts but thanx anyways :-) I wonder if it's just a case of some people been sensitive to the ingredients within some "diet" soda's? Anyways no doubt this going to be a hot topic with diet soda lovers and the die hard health nuts ( I mean that in a nice way) and the ignorant…
  • Thanx for that I'll give it a look
  • Is it more likely the caffeine is the cause of bad affects? I would really like to see some real evidence that drinking diet soda causes any of what I've heard mentioned! I started looking for an alternative to eating sweets/sweet stuff and for the last month and half I'm sure I've found it! Drinking diet cream soda has…
  • Hi peeps been here for just over a week and lost a comfortable amount! Feel free to add me :)