I gave up Diet Soda today



  • woodworm1972
    woodworm1972 Posts: 6 Member
    Is it more likely the caffeine is the cause of bad affects?

    I would really like to see some real evidence that drinking diet soda causes any of what I've heard mentioned!
    I started looking for an alternative to eating sweets/sweet stuff and for the last month and half I'm sure I've found it!
    Drinking diet cream soda has significantly reduced my craving for my true nemesis CHOCOLATE!
    While there's no doubt that putting "unnatural" chemicals in our bodies has some sort of adverse affect surely these affects have to be weighed against the benefits of avoiding clinical obesity and higher risks of heart problems?

    Maybe I've missed a few other discussions? Lol
  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    I would really like to see some real evidence that drinking diet soda causes any of what I've heard mentioned!
    I started looking for an alternative to eating sweets/sweet stuff and for the last month and half I'm sure I've found that drinking diet cream soda has significantly reduced my craving for my true nemesis CHOCOLATE!
    While there's no doubt that putting "unnatural" chemicals in our bodies has some sort of adverse affect surely these affects have to be measured against the benefits of avoiding clinical obesity and higher risks of heart problems?

    Maybe I've missed a few other discussions? Lol

    Here's the first thing I found.....I have some studies from the AMA back in my class notes, it'll take a bit to find them though

  • woodworm1972
    woodworm1972 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanx for that I'll give it a look
  • I love that you decided to do this. I'm a firm believer that anything DIET - that contains sugar substitutes are extremely unhealthy for you. I'm a person who gets migraines from it. EVEN ONE SIP will put me into a total coma like migraine state. I think it can't be healthy for you if your body rejects it. I'd love to see your results and look more into studies to see if its actually any good for you. I know that regular soda is NOT. I mean they clean crime scenes with it, ick...... i haven't drank soda since I was 17. I am now 26. (with the exceptional rum & coke... on vacation once a year)
  • scubacat
    scubacat Posts: 346 Member
    Good Luck! I gave up diet soda about six months ago and I dont miss it. It was hard in the beginning especially since I was going through a 2-liter bottle a day. My dentist told me that it can be really hard on your teeth as far as staining, breaking down enamel, etc.. As a result of quitting, I have noticed my teeth are pearly white which I enjoy more than I ever did the soda.
  • nlewis22
    nlewis22 Posts: 107 Member
    Yes, my husband is literally addicted to Diet Pepsi! If he could hook it up to an IV, he would- really, he's talked about it! It's the first thing he does when he wakes up in the morning, goes to the kitchen and get a glass with ice and Diet Pepsi! I almost think we would be rich for all the stuff he goes through in a single day! It's the craziest thing!
  • Kindsak
    Kindsak Posts: 6
    1.5 a week is excellent! It beats gaining 5 for the week. People who lose 1-2 lbs a week the right and healthy way are less likely to gain it back....Keep moving in the right direction! Congrats!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I have never had an increas in cravings since i started drinking diet soda last year,in fact i rarely crave sweets at all.
  • woodworm1972
    woodworm1972 Posts: 6 Member
    I gave that a read! although didnt find to much facts but thanx anyways :-)

    I wonder if it's just a case of some people been sensitive to the ingredients within some "diet" soda's?

    Anyways no doubt this going to be a hot topic with diet soda lovers and the die hard health nuts ( I mean that in a nice way) and the ignorant such as myself lol
  • deesdigitaldelight
    deesdigitaldelight Posts: 53 Member
    Oh I'm sooooooo addicted, I can't wait till I can say the same thing.
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    For Each Can of DIET Soft drink consumed EACH Day.. a Person's risk of Obesity goes up 41 Percent !!!

    Then I should be housebound, buried in layers of fat by now. Honestly, I don't think these "statistics" apply to each and every person.

    Anyway, I just gave it up last week because I didn't need all the bloating caused by the carbonation. The headaches were monumental!
  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    I gave up diet soda in January, not intentionally really, I just started replacing it with water. One day I decided to treat myself to one, popped the top, and just about gagged. I completely lost my taste for it, it was like spraying Pledge in my mouth. I never saw that reaction coming.
  • how did you do you little ticker girl...i like it!
  • davidroth
    davidroth Posts: 11
    I don't really think I have the withdrawls that I should for drinking so much of the stuff. I don't feel like the caffeine ever effected me all that much. It never really gave me any kind of pickup and I'd be just as happy drinking the caffeine-free versions. And when i didn't have it, I never felt like I had a headache or anything like that.

    I think I just like the taste of it. Water is ok, I don't like coffee, I don't like tea, and I don't really even care that much for crystal lite or propel or anything. I'll drink water if I need to, but if I'm drinking a beverage purely for taste, I want it to be diet pop.

    I always kinda hated when people would tell me they gave up diet pop because of all the chemicals. Mostly because I started to feel like maybe I should quit..haha. It does kinda suck though cause you wanna just have one thing that tastes REALLY good that helps with cravings all day. I know I can still drink it in moderation, but realistically I usually go overboard so I'll probably try to stay away.

    I also was spending A LOT on it. Not just at the grocery store, but mostly just when I'd be in the car I would always stop for one.
  • woodworm1972
    woodworm1972 Posts: 6 Member
    I just thought I would put this bit of info on for those that dont really know any facts about Aspartame!

  • crom1978
    crom1978 Posts: 4
    Go Diet Pepsi!!!! It keeps you full has no calories and tastes fantastic. All that stuff about it making people obease is hogwash! I drink the stuff like its my job and I am my ideal weight, also some studies say that drinking a caffinated drink before a workout can actually help by preventing early fatigue. I will say however that some of the chemicals in it may or may not be dangerous, I have seen studies to back both.
  • davidroth
    davidroth Posts: 11
    Just as an update here, I gave up Diet Soda for 2 weeks and did not see any improvement over my baseline weight loss goals. So, for me, the only reason I can see for giving up Diet Soda is if it's replacing water for you. But if you're still getting the water you need, BOTTOMS UP!

    Still, I did somewhat lose a craving for it, but I started drinking it again. To me, it's BY FAR, the most desirable low-calorie treat available. If someone told me that I could eat an additional 400 calories and not have it effect my bottom line OR drink diet soda, I'd take the diet soda.
  • KatRDH94
    KatRDH94 Posts: 17 Member
    very interesting topic, I love diet sunkist orange and have tried to give it up,,, I like the info on diet drinks I just saw on one of the posts...I may be trying to give it up with you! Good luck!!!! PS the poster who wrote drink all your water before the soda,,, GREAT idea! Thanks :o)
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I realize this post is old, but now I don't have to make a new thread. I gave up diet Pepsi 6 days ago in an attempt to see if it was contributing to what seemed like a constant state of bloat. I do feel less bloated, and luckily going from 1-2 liters a day to none didn't affect me as far as cravings or headaches too badly. I did have a headache all day the day after I quit though, but that was it. If bloating is reduced then cutting diet soda out is a good plan for me. I will have it for special occasions however :-) Good luck to those trying to cut back!
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