

  • Thank u for ur advice. Its very helpful!
  • I used to do water therapy!! Cant believe I completely forgot about that! Thanks for the help!
  • I am the same way and I also have found that ambien is the only thing that works for me but I dont take it regularly either. It always takes me 2-3 hours to fall asleep. Ive tried melatonin and sleep md and different herbs and techniques. Ive also tried several prescription meds too but Ambien is the only thing that works.…
  • I walk outside and only 15 min cause my legs start the numb feeling too! If I feel like I can tolerate more I keep going but for me it feels good while Im walking but as soon as Im done, it hurts bad. So I mean u have to do what ur body can tolerate and every person is different. I would love to run and play sports but I…
  • I have tried but I always end up throwing it up if I force feed so why bother, ive had a hard time eating the past few days and today especially, im just not feeling the food today!