PMcLinn Member


  • mine won't sync either, both are connected, I have logged out of both and relogged in, etc.
    in runkeeper Comment by PMcLinn March 2015
  • I found it, thank you!!
  • I will most likely stick to MFP, I like their app SO much more, and I mainly use it, but I still make go to SP for recipes, etc. I was just curious about the huge difference in calories, but now that seems to have worked itself out (dang it, I was liking the thought of 1800 calories LOL)
  • hmm, I just checked my settings for MFP and it was set to female, wanting to lose 2 lbs, height and weight were correct, so I didn't change anything...but for giggles I hit 'update' and it changed it to 1560 calories on MFP. So maybe there was a cookie in my computer that didn't allow it to update last time? interesting,…
  • right? I haven't used spark people in years, but remembered I liked the community groups, teams, etc. So when I saw such a huge calorie difference I was shocked. I went back and double checked all the settings and sure enough everything matches with MFP.
  • do they have the 'soy' taste that so many bars have?
  • actually, it can be, I have severe asthma and If I am already having a bad breathing day I can NOT go down the detergent aisle at the store without setting off an attack, which CAN kill don't realize how bad asthma is until you have it. That being said, when I am working out if someone comes next to me that…
  • I have the one and love it..I am afraid if I got the flex or force it would not be as accurate as I talk with my hands and it would be moving all day, while i am sitting in an office least that is my take on it
  • I am planning on eating what I want on Thanksgiving, but I am not considering it cheating.....I am hoping that this time I will make this a lifestyle change and not just a 'diet', Thanksgiving is a part of my life that I don't intend to give up. That being said, I am not a huge over eater on Thanksgiving anyway, I take…
  • 12 apples a day would be more like 960-1200 calories, most apples are 80-100 calories each.
  • the more you deprive yourself the more likely you are to binge...just fit them into your calories and enjoy them
  • thanks for your reply! I have not been able to eat back all of them every day, depends on my day but some days I get 600+ back (clinic days)and some days I get 10 back LOL. The difference in opinions on here about wether or not calories transfer day to day are as wide as those who think you should, or should not , eat back…
  • I found it on the iphone app, if you click on the menu button on the left hand top corner you will see a list, home, diary, etc. Click on Nutrition and it will bring up a pie graph, on the bottom left corner you will see daily/weekly!
  • where in the app does it show weekly calories? I can only find daily...never mind, I found it:laugh:
  • the confused comment was supposed to be a funny ;-). I have days where I will walk 10,00 steps in a few hours, and days where I can't get to 10,000 steps all day, I had over 400 calories 'left' last night, and well, the got left! I Just couldn't eat back that many calories, I walked over 11,000 steps in 5 hours, so I had a…
  • yep, I actually clicked on the adjustment spot on the app and it explained it there too LOL...I guess the adjustment for the day thing is weird for me, I go in spurts, I have a desk job but try to walk on my breaks and lunches, sometimes I work out in the mornings, sometimes go for a walk in the evening, and some evenings…