1saat Member


  • I did this through 2011 and was successful ! Hubby rolled his eyes when I started - admittedly because I generally don't stick to things :-) But he soon adapted to me measuring/weighing/logging everything and was very supportive. He only commented at the point where it was a bit too much lost for my frame and it showed -…
  • Here's hoping I don't crash and burn ! I had a great start, averaging about 7.5 km per day (most days I've walked 14-15 km, but I'm separating out the mileage walked for exercise from the total mileage per day) 58 exercise kilometers so far.
  • I'd like to join in on this - I did 176 km in June and would like to beat it. For the past 2 years, I`ve been wearing a pedometer and trying for the 10,000 steps per day. I have long legs and a long stride so I get a few more steps per mile. My pedometer is calibrated to my stride so I'm sure my mileage is accurate and no…
  • Definitely their decision - I started in Feb 2011 and got rolling eyes when I measured my food and started making changes. Everything was white, not enough veggies, low motivation for exercise, etc. I had to get off my butt and do something...but no nagging at hubby. I kept at it and the only drastic change I've made is to…