Desertnetti Member


  • Both my medical doctor and my Naturopathic Dr. have advised me to 'eat' at least 2 Tablespoons per day, and up to 3. It's a very good fat. They both said they cook with it, too. I have a hard time just swallowing a spoonful of oil so I was advised at the health food store to use it in any smoothie I make and on my body,…
  • I was thinking the same thing as abetter40 as I was reading thru the posts. With my health issues, I always go thru a detox period when I have slumped in my eating habits and go back to eating lots of fruits and veggies again. For me, it can last for up to 3 weeks of feeling crummy, but if I hang in there I feel better. My…
  • I don't have any big revelations but for me eating an apple, then chewing gum really helps! ... and knitting. Keeping my hands busy with a good movie on at the same time, that really helps me.
  • I started Feb 28, I think, and I'm down 5 lbs! Yay! Isn't it great to already feel better, and I can move better and not groan when I get up! Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods