

  • Wow I did not know about the TVP. That is something I am going to have to think about. I am taking my time in this transition because I have never been a big veggie eater. I turned 31 this year and have been working on lifestyle changes. Things are going well thus far but this may be a monkey wrench. Thanks for the info
  • Hi thanks yes I still eat eggs and dairy. I think the benefits of reducing my sugar and carb intake will really give me a boost in my weight loss.....At least I'm hoping so.
  • Hi do you do crunches? I have never believed the crunch myth however I have never tried it. I am currently on a mission to try them though. Daily I do at least 200. I have found that they are easier to do while I watch tv....on the commercials of course. After a set of 50 I do 24 leg lifts. Repeat the crunches and do leg…
  • I will be wearing a white dress in 2015. I am eager to try on dresses but do not want to do so until I am happy about my weight/size. I only want to lose 10 to 15lbs. However it is not easy. It is great to see so many with similar goals. Provides great motivation to see everyone's progress.