I'm firmly in agreement on hating the flat-sided plates for heavy lifting. Sure, it makes no difference on bench or squats, but any movement that starts/ends at the floor is a f***ing nightmare of frustration. I'm now recently deadlifting in the 300s and Pendlay rowing near 200, and I hate-hate-hate the 12-sided plates at…
In for responses. On pure logic, it makes sense. In reality, I have no idea. :)
Typically 2-3x a week, I'll do treadmill sprint intervals as well. Love them! 2.5% incline, then 1 min of walking with 1 min of sprinting. 6.0mph 6.5mph 7.5mph 9.0mph (10x) 7.5mph 6.5mph 6.0mph That's 32 mins total, 16 sprints/16 walks. Back when I started, my worksets were only at 7.0mph for 8 rds -- I'm slowly building…