myrtlebeachgirl123 Member


  • It's usually a combination of withdraw from high carbs and process foods and/or sugars etc. Also need to make sure you're getting enough healthy fats and some carbs with still eating enough calories. Bragg's Apple Cider Vin. 2 tbsp mixed with alot of water, ice, and drink with a straw once a day helps keep my natural…
  • loooooove this idea!!!! I've always wanted to do one!!!! June would be perfect!!!! I'm IN!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I'm also in the same boat...down 52 or so with 20 to go.....scale hasn't budged in a month and a half...I think I definitely need to eat cleaner is one thing.....but my question to you all is....... if I set MFP to lose 2 pounds a 5-6x a says I can eat 1300 calories......*HERE'S MY QUESTION*…
  • I loved the "fatty mc fat fat" part LOL!! I'm with you all on this!! I've turned everything around this year alone and have successfully lost 49 pounds since January (soooooo close to 50!!!) ;) I started out at 216 and am currently 167........My goal weight is 145 so if I was about to get there by Dec/Jan.....tone up more…
  • This is GREAT advice!!! All the way around!! Thanks for posting...I think I needed to read that too! :) I'm down 40 pounds but it's kind of been a little SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW not....I'm still training w/ a trainer and eating whole foods.....but I always always eat my workout calories I've earned from MFP.....thinking I…
  • :flowerforyou: sorry for double posts....I can't see where to "delete" this and it won't let me edit it to blank so here's a smiley with some flowers and my real post is after #technologystupidoverhere
  • I want to just start off by saying I commend you for 18 days of straight logging in!! :) This is a JOURNEY and you will mess up sometimes....but you will LEARN and IMPROVE everytime!! I've been on my "journey" since January and have definitely hit many bumps in the road (such as no weight loss for a long period of…