WorkenAtIt Member


  • grams - ok thanks all
  • Whey protein powder. You can easily jump up your protein intake either just drink it or add it to foods. One nice recipe is protein pancakes - scoop protein powder, 1 or 2 egg white, 1 cup partly cooked oat meal, 1 tbsp baking powder - little non-fat milk. mix it up, cook in dry non-stick frying pan. Also easy to carry or…
  • I'm here. 62. No big issues, just trying to stay healthy, watch what I eat, keep the bodyfat % down. Glad to know there are some other grownups around.
  • I don't know. I've looked over the numbers several times and MFP total calories just don't add up to the micro totals using the 4-9-4. Rounding would throw it off a little, but not 600 calories in a day. Fiber also can be added in on the numbers from the packaging so those numbers could be off a little when people add to…