First, I'm sorry to hear of your problem. Second, congrats on the healthy choices you've made part of you! I don't know if these help, but here are some links of resources that I have been finding helpful. - Why Weight Loss Can Be So Difficult…
I know it's been months, but I came across this and thought it might give you some food for thought. I have MFP set at 1800 calories, 80% fat, 15% protein, and 5% carbs, and I am satisfied (full) and my weight numbers are going down...
Me, too! Along with a ton of other reading and experimentation (ie, I've followed a plant-based, non-oil whole foods diet for 4-5 months this year and gained weight; and I've followed a LCHF diet for a few and lost everything I'd gained and more), I found this blog post to be helpful in understanding what was happening in…
I couldn't either until I figured out that my "healthy eating" was starving my body because I wasn't getting the good fats that it needed. I read and read and read and experimented with my body regarding fats versus carbs, and I have found that my body needs a high fat low carb diet. Google keto diet, ketogenesis, high fat…
Dovesouls - I just saw your post that you're no longer following this thread. I'm sad I've probably missed you! :( Why? Because it sounds like you're where I've been--looking for how to manage to low carb eating. Cheese and olives tend to be satisfiers for snacky times between meals. I am a fan of high fat low carb (HFLC)…
Maria Emmerich has a been a big help to me for a variety of things regarding weight loss... -