

  • Hi all!! Just wanted to come by and say I had looked at this thread back when I was first looking into going on depo. I had looked through several threads on here and was so scared to start the shot. I just got my second injection, so I am not a pro by any means, but I do want to say that I haven't had any issues with it.…
  • I find to step on it more than once a week makes me just feel bad. I did it yesterday morning and weighed 3lbs more than I did last week. However, when I stepped on this morning for my actual "weigh in" I weighed 1lb less than I did last week. I have been drinking a lot of water and depending on the day, I retain it a lot.…
  • Also, to add on to that, I gained most of my weight when I started the pill about 4 years ago. However, during this time I was going through changes in my body as I was getting older and I had decreased my exercise and started eating more. I blamed the birth control for the longest time because it gave me the body I have…
  • From what I understand about weight loss, the more you lose, the harder it is to lose. My dad lost 60lbs in a short amount of time due to divorce, but when he tried to lose the last 20 he wanted to lose, it was so hard and he gave up. He has gained 40 lbs back. If you want to lose more weight, create a bigger deficit. From…
  • I laughed out loud at this. Now everyone in the office thinks I am crazier than they already knew.
  • I think you look great! I was about the same as you, not over 100 before I was 18. My weight has fluctuated about 25 lbs since I was 20. I am trying to lose the 25 lbs and get back to where I was in high school and maintain it. (I am only 25, so it hasn't been that long, haha). The funny thing is, you are just about back…
  • A US size 8 is not big at all! That is right in the middle of our sizes, if I am not mistaken.
  • That seems a little ridiculous.. Is this for any specific reason? Certain blood work/physical coming up? I don't see this as being something you could do. I feel like the body would need at least 1000-1200 just to function. I am on a 1200 calorie diet and I agree with you, I sometimes feel like I still need more food and I…
  • Violet, I do not know your family situation, or if your mother or sister are overweight, but it seems like they may just be jealous. Even if they aren't overweight, they may be jealous of your perseverance and strong will to make yourself healthier. Don't let them get you down. The best action, if you have a good…
  • You know, as I was typing this out, I felt like my tone was really negative. I guess I was just really frustrated with myself for getting the fast food and shoving it in my face. I have been on the struggle bus recently, especially not being able to go to the gym this whole week due to conflicts in my schedule. However, I…
  • My boyfriend and I were having problems for a few weeks and I didn't eat for almost two weeks (lost a bunch of weight, but gained it right back), so I know what hunger feels like, I just can't let myself be hungry. Because of that stupid sandwich this morning, I am almost at my calorie cap for the day, so I am going to…
  • I wouldn't say I am a nerd or a geek, however, I am in LOVE with Star Trek. Absolutely in love. TNG is awesome, DS9 was the best and I am working my way through Voyager right now. (Tried TOS, but I just couldn't get past the first season, I will go back when I finish Enterprise.) I also like graphic novels and Batman. You…