WhisperingCloud Member


  • You have it from me! I'm back on MFP, after being gone a year, because I "now knew myself so thoroughly, there was no way I could mess it up!". I've been over 200 lbs, most of my adult life, and lost all of my "goal weight", thanks to MFP. Since stopping counting calories and keeping track of how many calories I'm burning,…
  • I was in the same situation. I started out under 1200, and was terrified to start eating exercise calories back, making me go up to 1200. I found that my weight loss did not slow at ALL, however, and I felt much better; I was less irritable, my dry skin went away, even started pooping again. Now that I'm nearing my goal,…
  • I can't deny that it doesn't get under my skin a little as well. My father-in-law routinely makes comments like, "You need to eat something, you're getting too skinny." I feel like I put a lot of work into my weight loss, and I do think of it as an achievement, exactly because I'm eating PLENTY, and losing it in a healthy…
  • I started a couple of days ago, but I will be glad to commiserate with you about how bad our thighs hurt!
  • Pepper Ann! Pretty sure that was 90's, I remember it from One Saturday Morning! Pepper Ann, Pepper Ann, much too cool for 7th grade! Catch 'er if you can, Pepper Ann!
  • You can do this! You'll be amazed when the pounds start falling off! I weighed 230 after the birth of my son, and for a couple of years afterward, hovered around 210, until I found MFP. I exercise everyday, but with two kids, its mostly 20 -30 minutes in my living room, when they are napping. The most important thing for…
  • peanut butter, my friend. loaded with calories, not gonna give you that full feeling
  • I am all about the Fitness Blender videos, and I love Keira Leshae too, because she's happy and smiley about her workout, without being obnoxiously so.
  • Yes, it can be frustrating! I usually gain 3-5 pounds in the week before my period, actually. And then, halfway through my period, it falls off, and I feel skinnier than ever. Between the cravings for salt and sugar, and the irritability, it can be a tough time, best to ignore the scale for a week and plunge ahead with…
  • Bump, In the same situation. Weight was flying off until I hit 156, and now I'm just ricocheting back and forth b/w 157 to 161, for almost 2 weeks now. Would love to see some answers to this one.
  • I am a stay at home mom, and I do understand what this temptation is like! It helps me to break up my eating more than your average 3 meals a day. I eat smaller portions of lower calorie foods 5 times a day, which means I don't have to be at home for long stretches of time without eating, and I still don't go over my…
  • You can do this! I go through periods of binging on my period, and you have to remind yourself that your body is actually burning extra calories then....hence the cravings. Also, besides cravings, I tend to be really irritable and discontent on my period. Tell yourself that your feelings are just feelings, not reality.…
  • I had serious reservations about eating back my exercise calories at first. I was losing 2 lbs a week, was pleased with the results, and didn't want that to let up. But after talking to a lot of people on here, I was able to see that I was experiencing side effects, like dry skin, irritability, constipation..... And the…
  • As someone who was eating 800-900 cals a day when I first started, due to a 1200 cal goal and not logging my exercise, I must warn you that taking your goal down this low will hurt you more than help you. At first, you will lose weight fast. You will also become grouchy, irrational, your skin will dry out, and you will…
  • I def understand about the guilt. My family came to visit me last week, and we went out to eat a lot, making it harder for me to control the amount of food I was eating, since I wasn't preparing it, and I ended up going WAY over my calorie goal 3 days last week. I did feel bad about it, but I got back up on that horse and…
  • Skinny friends who act horrified by my methods, acting like I'm starving myself because I refuse dessert.
  • I'm from Fort Collins, and I agree! I can see those clouds coming over the mountains!
  • I drink it with a lemon slice, it makes it more yummy
  • Thanks for the tips and explanations, everybody! I am going to start eating some of the exercise calories back, and see how it goes. I guess I have been experiencing some side effects, and I just didn't realize that these things could be because of too big of a deficit.(i.e: dry skin, dizziness, yelling at my children for…
  • I like to sit down in the mornings and plan my meals so this doesn't happen. It's easier to follow a schedule that you know is going to add up, then flying by the seat of your pants, hoping you don't go over. And just like the others said, when its just a little, say 70-100 calories over, its easy to get that off. Just…
  • I know how you feel! A lot of people are more than happy to join in conversations about eating healthy, but if they don't understand what it's like to be heavy, they start looking at you like you're crazy once you go in depth talking about being hard-core about losing weight. I love MFP because. if nothing else, I can get…
  • I think you will be surprised by the results that you get, even without excersizing, if you stick to it, and record everything! Welcome to MFP!
  • Would love to have some motivational support myself! Thanks for the add!
  • Hi! I've been on MFP for about 3 weeks, and I've lost four pounds so far. I am very encouraged by this, I also have two small children, so nothing else has worked for me in the past! It's too easy to finish off their plates, and not easy enough to get to the gym. I encourage you to give this a try, because if you stick to…
  • I came to the same conclusion.... I really like to eat, so I'd rather save my calories for food and drink water. Sometimes I really miss juice, and sweet tea. I do drink coffee, I just learned to drink it without sugar, which knocks it down to 19 calories, which is worth it to me, because it makes me feel not hungry.
  • Today, I did fine. Even with that sugar cookie, I still came up under 1200 calories. Yesterday, I totally blew it. While trick-or-treating with the kids, my son handed me his mostly full capri sun. I've been drinking nothing but water since I started counting calories, because I like to eat, and I don't wanna waste my…
  • I have been experiencing some of the same problems. I do really well all day, and then at night, my mind just starts running with cravings. So far, I've been able to psyche myself out by saying, "Ok, if you're really that hungry, you can go eat all the lettuce you want, since it only has 35 calories/cup." And of course,…