

  • Oh god so many good ideas, thank you all!!!!
  • Thanks that's really what i'm looking for !! Niceee thanks a lot!!!! Oh I love carrots and cucumber excelent idea! I don't really like celery alone I'm used to it as an ingridient. Thanks allot!!
  • How much calories are they? Sesame sticks sounds good.
  • Guys to be honest you motivated me so much with the walk that I'll comit myself to go for walks every single day. It seems that it is the best i got to do. When do you advice me to go for a walk ? What's the best I've got all my day free. I can go morning noon afternoon night midnight even in 4:00 pm. If I go walking in…
  • Swiming aint bad idea at all, i'm like 1.5 mile away from the beach and the weather is good for now. . Thanks for your tips everyone.
  • Ashatan you're propably right, but I really want to practice my english skills, and I feel better to have worldwide support :D Leslie Sansone has so many fans, I'll have to look up to her!
  • Thank you all for your replys. Walking and cycling were two of my options. I HATE RUNNING when I run i feel my belly doing things that will cause a new Big Bang :laugh: :laugh: . I didn't said it right, I'm searching a cardio workout that I can perfom it indoors, in my house. I don't really got money right now for…
  • Hello FrauHaas thanks for your support, it's never late when it comes to health right ? :D but better now than later. Γεια σου sandy :smile: To be honest I gained some pounds when I quit smoking because I was trying to replace my need for nicotine with eating. But now I'm really cool with it, the first 2 months was really…