

  • thank you :) :)
  • when i add my daily activity it tells me i can eat 1,915 im just making sure this is correct! i love food now days :) lol
  • i workout on some days for about 30 mins at a 3.5 pace but some days i dont get to it and only burn around 300 and thats just with my daily activity and i already have my setting at no exercise just because i wanna be sure im only eating back what i burned and not my question is if i can eat 1,700 and do nothing…
  • i do have an out patient team thats helping me with my eating and i am eating pretty good, clean and healthy! thank you all :)
  • Thank you so much, Alicedark!! i am so much happier now that i have food back in my life and i realize now how important it is to give my body what it really needs :) my nutritionist wouldnt tell me how many calories a day that i needed because i was a cronic calorie counter. It was a trigger for me but before i left for…
  • thank you both for replying!! makes things seem not so confusing. lol :)
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