

  • thanks for the info and taking the time to post! in regards to spot training, i definitely know that doesnt exist. i think i'm definitely bottom heavy, and i'm sure it will stay this way. i just wanted to make sure i wasnt doing myself a disservice by not leaning out more now, but especially so in my legs. i definitely…
  • thanks so much for this! it definitely does make sense...when i first started out lifting i didnt dive into the specifics of it and kind of regret it now because i'm a little ignorant to it all. i was eating lots of fruits for a while with high carb macros and am trying to get away from that now. i'm adjusting my macros up…
  • hey ladies! i'm 25, ttc for 2 years...just found out we will need IVF so we are waiting to see when we will decide to drop the $$$ to do it. feel free to add me!
  • willrun4bagel had a good idea of offering to cook for them. i've found that most people honestly dont realize how good healthy food can taste. My husband is a junk food junkie and the main reason we have junk food in our house. i've been able to come up with yummy healthy recipes to swap for his not so healthy cravings and…
  • i'm 5'2" and have 47lbs to lose as of this morning...feel free to add me!
  • My starts are as follows: Height: 5'2" Weight: 157lbs End of 12 Week Goal -to stick with it for the full 12 weeks (ending on April 14) -to eat vegan the whole time -to lose 15lbs wow! 15lbs...i can't believe that in 3 months time its possible I can be back in the 130s....ohh how I would LOVE to be back in the 130s! halfway…
  • I'm starting LiveFit to lose weight. I enjoy lifting and my hubby wanted to get into a lifting plan so this was one we could both enjoy doing together. I have 40lbs+ to lose and I'm hoping that lifting and eating vegan will jumpstart my weight loss. I love eating vegan and getting creative with recipes so I'm excited to…
  • I did Day One on 1/20, Day Two on 1/21, and Day Three on 1/22