atarlentinoNY77 Member


  • Jennifer, We all have our own struggles...none of us are devoid of that - you are not alone. As Kim said...the most important thing is to log [everything]. The good, the bad and the ugly to know what your baseline is. When I started my journey over 6 years ago it was tough to see it, but the information gave me something…
  • Welcome to the community, bcmacho! We're glad to have you here... Good luck on your journey! Reach out for support when you find you need it, we're all here for you.
  • Ashley...I am on the same journey as you. Many have been where we stand today and made the same decision we are and have succeeded. You are a strong, beautiful and dedicated woman; set your mind to this journey and remember that we all hit the plateaus at some point in our journey. It is at that time, when we must become…