

  • Thank u everyone for replying and helping out. :)
  • WOW! Thats great i m sure i wiill be able to do it soon as well.:)
  • Okay so what i have understood from all the post that both cardio and strength training is much. Strength is training for not losing muscle but fat. So what machines do u recommend? Any plan or routine?
  • yeah its ridiculus and sad part is that i wasnt told his when i signed up for it. anyways i m stuck for another month at this gym before i can cancel, so any luck with strength training machines for me like the ones mentioned above?
  • Thanks for the info there, But the gym i am at i am not allowed to use weights because they ask us to pay 250$ to have workout plan n eating plan. I really cant afford to pay that much. I m allowing to use strength training machines like LEG PRESS - COMPOUND EXERCIS, LEG EXTENSION MACHINE - ISOLATION EXERCISE, SHOULDER…
  • Thanks so much for replying. But i really need help with what kinda strength training i should do at the gym? How many minutes or set of reps and what are the best one for losing weight and decreasing some arm and belly fat.
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