

  • good luck keep up the good work were here to keep you motivated!!!
  • i make my own pork sausage so it has way less fat in it and so what i do is mix 3/4 ground turkey with a 1/4 ground organic beef but we have ground venison so it has way less fat too but if u can make your own ground pork sausage mix it with ground turkey!!
  • i feel ya i havent been on this thing in awhile and im back a ready to loose these lbs!! im looking for more ppl to motivate me when i get down!! i would luv to become your friend on here whatcha think?
  • i did weight watchers the old program over a yr ago and lost about 20lbs then i got pregnant and stopped my mom has been doing weight watchers for a long time now and she has lost 60lbs doing the new points plus plan im doing it on my own with out going to meetings due to finances and being a stay at home mom i loved it…