craziwrld Member


  • Thanks, I honestly don't even recognize myself in the wedding picture. I don't look in the mirror a lot and don't own a full length mirror cuz I wasn't comfortable with myself. When I think of me, I see me as somewhere between pre pregnancy, which was 125 before my 2 kids, and 200. I never saw myself as being that big, and…
  • Congrats on your inches loss! I had a similar occurrence, though mine was only 3 weeks, but it still makes you feel crappy when you don't see those numbers go down. So I measured myself and found I had lost a ton of inches all over my body, 3in on my butt alone, and thankfully pretty uniformly. I worry one thing we shrink…
  • I think it may have been a low carb thing. I want trying to eat low carb, but I know compared to the other weeks of losing weight thatit was a lot lower then usual.
  • We always eat a lot of onions and garlic and it has never happened because of that. Even before my kids when I had a healthy weight my body odor always had a slightly sweet smell to it and I rarely had to even wear deodorant. As I gained wit I noticed it got a little smellier, but nothing deodorant wouldn't take care of. I…