ws8996 Member


  • Started Week 2 today after a day off yesterday and I can definitely feel a change starting. I know it seems really soon but I think this is more mental than physical. I am now telling myself that this feat isn't impossible or beyond my capabilities so it is becoming easier. I still have a very long way to go but I'm…
  • Yes, rduhlir has experience so please take her advice haha. I actually have a question in response to what rduhlir said about cross training. With everything that you mentioned (Yoga, Swimming, Walking, Hiking) out of the question for tonight and me wanting to take a day off of my legs, would you suggest some sort of…
  • THIS IS HUGE! So today was my 2nd "off day" in a row before I start Week 2 tomorrow evening. I took the nice weather as an opportunity to really run as far as I could while keeping a steady pace (and walking when I ran out of breath many times.) Well, I finished a 5k distance in 33:47, which is almost 4 minutes off my goal…
  • I'd say early on you risk injury (as you've said) but you also risk burn out. You can easily become bored of it and want to lay down for a day or two which could turn into a week, etc. If you feel any pain, you should probably take a day off from running. The debate about running while sore will live on but do what you…
  • Three miles is impressive but I'm almost more jealous of your ability to run for 45 minutes straight! That is some endurance you've built. Congrats on the success!
  • Completed Week 1 on Saturday and was excited by completing 2.3 miles in the 30 minutes, so excited that I decided to see what I could do yesterday with no voice telling me when to stop running/walking. I did the same course yesterday and got 2.6 miles in 30 minutes and finished 5k (walking) by 35:38. Today I have pain…
  • I signed up for my first and second 5ks on October 5th and 6th. Call me crazy but let me explain first! The one on the 5th is the Color Run so it is untimed and not too serious. I am using that as a warm up to the day of my first real 5k. I don't plan on actually running too hard in the Color Run so I won't be too sore or…
  • As an ex-football player, I always thought of running as a punishment (especially distance running.) Now that I have a full-time desk-job, I wasn't getting as much exercise as I was used to so I decided on Tuesday to start the C25K. Of course, I picked the absolute hottest week of the summer to get started! Anyway, last…
  • I think you first have to find why, psychologically, you are binge eating. For some people it may be purely out of boredom, eating is something to do while watching tv or playing video games or just when they are alone. If the boredom continues for an extended period, the normal "snack" will become a full-on binge of…
  • I am supposed to do Week 1 Day 2 tonight. I'm chugging water down all day because it's only supposed to get down to 95 degrees by 9pm. I HATE SUMMER!
  • I know this is super late but I've been away this week. If I could have my new weight of 211.4 added, I'd appreciate it! Thank you!
  • Wow, 10 minutes of planks is freakin hard! Ab soreness here we go. I'm in!
  • SW: 220 Last Week: 213.6 CW: 215.6 GW: 160 I'm not worried about the number going up. I know it's a combination of a number of things including water retention. I'm drinking a gallon of water due to creatine loading period.
  • SW: 220 Last Week: 215.6 CW: 213.6 GW: 160 I was actually so excited to weigh-in this morning that I couldn't sleep until around 12:30. I knew that I hit it hard at the gym this week. More importantly, I'm losing inches around my waist! This group has been the motivation I need to push that extra few minutes of cardio,…
  • While I'm not a newbie, it has always bothered me when people do circuit training on every machine in the gym. Then when I go to use something for my sets, they look at me like I'm stealing their machine.
  • I actually traveled alone to Italy the summer before my junior year of college. I lived in Rome in an apartment for 6 weeks. JM is right, you should know the common courtesy words. Know how to say hello, please, thank you, excuse me (most used phrase in Rome), "I would like" (when ordering food). I would say, the less…
  • I'm 22 and graduated college last May. Still trying to work off that freshman 15 plus like another 30... Nice to know other people our age are on this site. Feel free to add me to support each other!
  • Will Smith in "Pursuit of Happyness". This quote always gets me motivated to do whatever I want. "You got a dream... You gotta protect it. People can't do somethin' themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want somethin', go get it. Period."
  • Excited to join the group! SW: 220 CW: 215.6 GW: 160
  • I was hoping a group like this would come around for the new year! I have been in a 50 lbs cycle every 4 years since freshman year of high school. I graduated college at 220 and need a good support group for the journey down to 160! I'm hoping to get down there by April/May. SW: 220 CW: 215.6 GW: 160
  • I need to be down 15-20 lbs by January 1st. Then, New Years starts a complete body overhaul :)