

  • Hi there, If you haven't already, find a Zumba class :) I'm an instructor and I love it and so do all my gals. I have ladies all ages and all shapes. Everyone just works at their own pace but the atmosphere is a total riot, you'll meet great friends and burn loads of calories and before you know it you'll be moving better…
  • I don't have specific number but I'm guessing 500 or so, my hubby went over 1500 today. It just is. Please don't let it stress you. Enjoy yourself, the food you ate and be done with it. Eat better tomorrow, talk a little longer walk, and be happy :)
  • I think it depends on what type of info they are looking for from you. If they want support about calorie intake and if they are below then they are doing it right. Is it the HEALTHIEST way, nope. But calories are calories regardless of where they come from. Recently I read about a guy who only ate twinkies to prove this…