20monkies Member


  • It depends on a number of factors. Once I gained 3 lbs overnight, but it went away after 2 days. I was ovulating and every month when that time comes around, I gain a few lbs from bloating. Don't worry, just keep eating healthy and doing your best :)
  • I can help keep you accountable! :) I start Week 2 tomorrow. Trying to lose the last 20 lbs and tone up my body... but we can do it together!
  • Body weight training. :)
  • Well, I did it. It was hard finishing it up but I did it! 22 pounds down and I am starting to get back the shape I had before gaining all this extra weight. I'm so happy with myself. Woohoo! I was going to do another round of Turbofire but I want to change it up and start a new program. So, I have decided to go with…
  • I just finished Turbofire and am going to start Insanity tomorrow. I tried doing 30 Day Shred, but I just don't feel the same after the workout as I was feeling after completing a TF workout. Not that same high... I hope I feel that with Insanity. :)
  • I want to do this again. I've done the 30DS on and off in the past years but never got past Level I swear to do this once I finish TurboFire (I have 3 more weeks to go!) I did, however, sneak in Level 1 last week just to see how I fared during the workout. It really wasn't as terrible as I remember it being! (Must be…
  • Ending Week 10.... Weighted in at 167 lbs. Whoo hoo! :D Starting to mix it up with other workouts in between, but attempting to at least complete the 12 week schedule. I'll see if I want to continue with advanced classes or not...
  • I've been doing my best at following the workout schedule. If there is a day I don't have too much time, I'll try and substitute with a shorter workout - ie Fire 55 EZ, will do half of it then go to the cool down, or do 45 EZ or even Fire 30 with Stretch 10. In the beginning, I couldn't get past the first couple of weeks…
  • Started Week 7 a couple of days back, and did my weight in as well. 174! I'm so happy to finally be out of the 180s. That was frightening me so much, but I must keep focussed and continue if I want to be healthier and fitter. :smile:
  • Best of luck to you, PBsMommy! You can do it! :D I'm rooting for you! Are you following the 12 week schedule, or the 20 week schedule? I'm doing the 20 week, because I have quite a bit to lose. I know exactly what you mean with parties and celebrations getting in the way of our eating and workout routines, but as long as…
  • I know what you mean as well! When my husband is home I don't do workouts... I don't want him seeing me making a fool of myself doing silly moves and getting all sweaty (he actually laughed one day when he came home, and caught me mid-workout...) Then there are my kids. I try to do it after I've dropped my daughter off at…
  • I've done Turbofire on and off in the past year, always getting stuck in week 1 or week 2 (never stuck to the schedule properly). Well, here I am now. Finally committed because enough is enough, and I need to whip my butt into shape. Week 1, day 7 today. Whoot!