

  • I think that is what it must be as i lost lots of weight and then put a bit back on and now when i note a weight loss my ticker doesnt move! im hoping once i get back to were i was it will go again! bit demotivating not seeing it move though!
  • you can eat nandos chicken the calories arent that bad, i had a chicken pitta there today it was fab!
  • Im a UK user too, still trying to get used to it all but it has been helpful the last couple of days really concentrating on what I am heating! Hoping to get a nice weight loss next Monday!
    in UK NEWBIE Comment by s4r4hc March 2011
  • I am guessing you are from the US but in the UK I have a curly wurly every day, its a chocolate/caramel bar that is only 115 cals. I have lost 14lb in 4 weeks and would never have stuck to the diet for this long without knowing that if I am good all day I can have my bt of chocolate at night!
  • Name: Sarah Age: 26 Current Weight: 160lbs
  • And me, have managed to lose 14lb since I came back from a wonderful Christmas holiday, just as I was beginning to lose my will power, found this, happy to motivate others, need a kick up the backside myself!!! Im a bridesmaid in October would like to have lost another 25lb eek!