kerryecave Member


  • My husband loves the black jelly beans (licorice flavored). They only sale them during Easter. So, he buys like 10-15 bags and saves them for the year! Lol Of course, they don't last the year
  • Well there you go sassyg! Typical me for half *kitten* reading! Thanks so much!!!
  • Thanks so much for your help! This will definitely come in handy. But do you know where this recipe database is? It should list all the nutritional info, like when you add your own recipe, it gives you an option to post public. I'm talking about under the food section, for "my recipes". You can add a recipe with its…
  • Hi! It is common, people can get it anywhere it is warm, wet (like from sweat) and dark. Loves to grow there! Any folds or crevices. Monistat works wonders, or as stanvoodoo said, any otc (over the counter) generic would work! Congrads on your weight loss, gives me hope!