Are you trying to shed water weight for a competition of some sort? Otherwise, why would you want to shed water weight, it's water!?
I would say, if you have the ability to weigh yourself everyday, it's a good idea. Mainly because it will show you how your weight will vary from day to day despite if your loosing weight or not. However, when looking at the graph over a time period of weeks, you will notice a pattern. In the broad scheme, if you just want…
Please see my first post. Even though they are called strength training classes, they are usually just a sort of cardiovascular activity with small amounts of weights. If you've never weightlifted before, these classes may help you build some initial starting strength. Builiding muscle for women is even harder than it is…
Adding muscles will not reduce body fat, but it will reduce body fat percentage as more of your body is made of muscles instead of fat.
All bodypump, dancing and group based training sessions are great for burning calories and having a bit of fun (If you enjoy it). Like all exercising it is required to be done mulitple times every week without any (exception for illness etc) breaks between to give results, doing it once in a while does not do much for you.…
You realize that being overweight is not an option and every day you look in the mirror to see the progress you've worked so hard for. Your body is your reward. Treats shouldn't be needed, but if you need something concrete too look forward to, a good tip is to start a bet with someone who's also looking to loose weight.…
How many grams per day did you eat, and at what bodyweight? This is really interesting. Do you have hospital journals to back it up? This might be the first confirmed case of kidney stone due to protein intake ever.
I don't think anything you said is accurate. Please stop spreading these broscience misconceptions. Firstly, there is nothing to suggest (as of now) a higher protein intake will damage you or your liver, in any way. There has been a few studies proving increased muscle growth with increased protein in your diet.…
Nuts are NUT (read: not) a great source of protein. If you eat 100 kcal of nuts it does not even equal to 5g of protein. You should never go on an extreme diet without proper knowledge about nutrition. Judging by your statements, you clearly do not have any knowledge about nutrition. You might be thinking "But I've read…
Have you counted your calories for atleast a week so what you're daily intake looks like? Even though you expend alot of energy it could be that you're taking in more than you're using. It doesn't matter how "healthy" your diet is, you can still easily overeat if you like food. Even though people with that high energy…