

  • Welcome! feel free to add me as a friend for extra support.
    in I'm new! Comment by dborba80 August 2011
  • Everyone likes different classes so just try a few and see what you like. Most people love Zumba but I abolutely hated it. I do step aerobics and kickboxing. I like classes because I can't push myself very hard alone, but a room full of people keep me going. I think you will find nobody is watching you or caring what you…
  • Don't sweat it. Keep doing what you are doing. Weight can flucutate a lot. I have had that happend to me and if I weigh again in a couple of days it will be back down.
    in FRUSTRATED Comment by dborba80 June 2011
  • Welcome. Feel Free to add me as a friend.
  • Feel free to add me as a friend. For meal ideas I have found substituting ground turkey will cut out a lot of calories. Turkey tacos, turkey chili, turkey spaghetti. I like the website eathealthyamerica.com too. Good luck!
  • I like to search different websites, faster and cheaper than cooksbooks. Eatbetteramerica.com will tell you exactly how many calories in the recipe making it easy to log. Cooks.com and allrecipes.com are good websites too. I have never really tried to eat healthy before so this is new to me but looking at healthy recipes I…