liv2full Member


  • Feel free to add me too. I'm 46 and am struggling with weight for the first time in my life. Aging is such a pain in the ever-expanding butt!
  • Feel free to add me to. I'm also a full-time working mom. I have 3 girls---4, 14, and 14 (twins). I started here a few months ago and have FINALLY managed to lose some weight. It's really hard after 40 to drop the pounds! Here's to a healthier new year!
  • I've had this happen to me too. Try cycling backwards for a few minutes every 10 mins or so. This works for me.
  • I can absolutely see the difference! Your clothes must be getting loose too. How long did it take you?
  • I've been on 1200 for a few weeks and have lost some weight. It seems to be working so far. I sure hope it continues! I've barely been moving because I've been pretty sick the whole time. I just know I'm losing muscle. Sigh.
  • Hi! I'm newish here too. I've only been on MFP a little over a week now. Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm sure you will find success here. So far, it's been great for me. I'm already starting to see results.
  • Hi! I'm new too. I just started MFP yesterday. I'm 45 and have been gaining weight steadily the last year or so. I've tried watching what I eat. Just finished the Insanity program---and gained 5 lbs!! I guess it's hormones or something, cause I'm gaining it all in my belly. It's so frustrating! I keep having to buy new…