I'm also interested in any responses to this. I do 3 spinning classes a week. The instructor reckons I should be working within 75% and I struggle to keep it below 90% is this good or bad?
Hello to you all and what a lively bunch you all sound. I am currently battling to lose 15 kilo. I have 3 hormonal teenage girls and a grumpy git of a husband to contend with plus a mother with Alzheimers ( no room for me). I have a fantasy that they will all wake up one day and notice that I am skinnier and fitter than…
I've got one like that
Wine.................................................well I do Live in France
Better late than never but I'm in just done assessment and managed 25 sits and 10 push. Watch this space......
Wine every time
well done you and keep it up you look FAB
South West France. Technically shouldn't be on team UK but identify more with you lot. Travel over to North West and Wales qute a bit
Don't be I'm 52 yrs old, 20 kilos overweight and haven't done any high impact for nearly 20 years. If I can you can. Any instructor worth their salt will tell you to listen to your body and just try not to compete with the others. I was told 5 sessions and it clicks. I've done 4 and it is.
I started spinning last Thursday and have managed 4 classes to date. I am really unfit and my stamina is low. I can't say that I love it but have got better in just 4 classes. There are only 6 in our class (well we are in rural France) and everyone seems to be improving
You look lovely. Well done. I hope that I can do the same
The one thing that comes from your letter is that you love your Mum. As a Mum of 3 girls if one sent me an email like this I would at first have a good cry and then probably get angry but... and this is the crux I would do something about the problem because it would make me realise that I am loved and not alone an that…
I hope that I can do as well as you
Can I join? I am from the UK but now living in France. I do go home quite a bit though so ...pretty please???
Okay, I'll have to dust mine off but I'll give it a go
Hi I'm from the UK but now living in France. I have re connected with this programme as I joined then fell by the wayside. I have 12 kilos to lose and am struggling to get motivated. Living in a rural area there are no gyms handy and walking is great but can get pretty boring on your own all the time.