Girl on Fire Alicia Keys
OK I feel that I should comment seeing as I spend a great chunk of my life at a pool. If you're serious about swimming you will naturally gravitate towards budgie smugglers because board shorts will just get in your way, mess up your technique. If you're in the pool just for a play / cool down, then it's board shorts.
Let's see... 115kg bench 90kg back sq 85kg front sq 80kg snatch but could improve technique 112.5 kg clean & jerk 65kg strict OHP
I love dance! TNP can play a musical instrument.
Terry O'Reilly
truck driver
You're the only one who wrote in cms and kgs! That I understand. :smile:
Headed home
hey kayla. i'm new too. i'm about to do an "introduce yourself" post but i 'm still figuring out what a banana hammock is. read it in the guidelines. also is all if that spam in the forum?! anyways, i'm in australia. i'm a swimmer too (amateur) so if you report any swimming times etc in your workout I'll know what you're…