dutch52 Member


  • although I doont agree about no carb diets I am interested as to why you are considering it? Might be easier to answer your question with this understanding ;-)
  • yes I watchcarb intake as I do fats and protiens, all to do with maintanace really and more so if deiting for a comp then all three get monitored very closely. Just watch what you class as carbs, as said mulderpf, make them good sources, rice, pasta, potato.....
  • The saying, "you are what you eat", is correct, reading down the replies and my comment would be; your balance of macros is near enough (protiens/carbs/fats) the food types I would change, go for more natural foods and stay away from processed foods, sugars and unhealthy fats, this way you can eat a good balance at your…
  • Yep, Im here, just started to use this again, any help needed just shout Kev