

  • After a quick skim one thing i dont think has been mentioned, is to not just pay attention to how each food effects you (to start with test before, and 2 hours after EVERY meal to work out what your body can and cant handle), but also pay attention to how combinations of food effect you. For me, type 2 diabetic for nearly…
  • Thanks to everybody for the help! Think im just going to trust MFP and see how it goes over the next few weeks. I think i managed to confuse myself with looking it all up lol! I like to know exactly what im going, WHY im doing it, and how it works, think ill back off of the knowing why and how for now and just see what…
  • So if my BMR is 2100, then i should have 2100 calories + what i burn in exercise? or would be be 2100 - some % + exercise? Edit: Just wanted to point out that in 15mins, 6 different people have tried to help! This has goto be the most active and helpful forum ive ever found, you guys are all AMAZING!
  • I set both weight loss goals to 1lb per week. We have started to exercise with 3 days a week walking/jogging and started convict conditioning 2 days a week (body weight program). We are eating back the calories (mostly) from the exercise. Edit: Activity i set to lightly active.
  • I was about to ask this same question! I live and work in a VERY small town, we have no gyms at all! Nearest town with a gym (if you can call it a gym, my highschool was better 20 years ago!) is 30 miles away. Its all well and good to say goto a real gym like some people have, but for some people thats just not a issue as…
  • It depends a lot on the person, and exactly what is in it. Higher protein generally means you can have more net carbs. With something high protein 5-10g of net carbs is fairly safe. Edit to save double post: Cellucor looks very interesting, thanks for the tip! Thanks to everybody for all the fast helpful responses, you…