You are NOT the only one. But you can try to combat it. First, just say NO to yourself when you're in the grocery store and don't BUY the things that you're weak for... If you can't get away with that, because, say, your husband or children like a certain thing so you have to keep it around, then try to portion it out…
LeslieLove - My TSH according to the last time it was checked last year was 1.12. It said it was "within range .4-4.5) on the report. Seems low to me. And yes there have been other symptoms which was why I wanted it checked in the first place - thinning hair, peeling fingernails, fatigue, transluscent skin, low libido etc.…
Thanks again everyone!! I really appreciate it!
Thank you accountantboi!!! I'm sticking with it!!! Fingers crossed!
Thanks Sabrina - I try to make up the calories I lost but maybe i'm not making up enough? Maybe I need some tweaking! And Caper88 I have PCOS too! :) Sucks doesn't it?
I have been asking about my thyroid for over a year...they use the old way of measuring and are saying it's fine. I have other symptoms of it, as well, so I've been meaning to actually go see a specialist and hope they test me correctly. Maybe that's it! I don't think it's sodium because I stay under the daily limit and…