leasalin Member


  • Officially 1 week (divorce was final).... Although he moved out a year ago and it was rocky for 2 years before that. So I'm right on the edge where I am starting to feel the 'goodness' of being single again. The part where you know things are better than they have been in years! I live for my kids and now myself. My focus…
  • Just checking in with everyone and getting caught up on how this group is doing. I found D2L1 to be a bit easier for me. Not sure if I just didnt push as hard or if the initial shock of getting my heart rate up there is over. LOL! I have been doing my workouts at night, and tonight will be late due to soccer practice for…
  • Actually started today..... felt good to exercise again.... but was so HARD!!!!
  • I'm in!! i have the DVD, so I'll be ready to start. I may even start this weekend! I NEED this right now!
  • I am in week 1 of the detox and the only thing I can tell is that I pee a lot more, which may be flushing stuff out. I have been drinking a lot of water to try and get it moving. I start the 2nd week, which I think is adding the anti-oxidants back in (plus something else I don't remember), so I'm not sure what that will…