Angiebangie Member


  • Sick boy is doing great, doesn't even feel sick, good thing, Mexico in 2 days..... 12/10 Breakfast 2 c. water 20 oz. coffee 2 pieces Ezekiel cinnamon/raisin bread 1/2 T. smart balance spread 1/2 c. FF french vanilla yogurt 1/2 c. blueberries I hope you're feelling better too, Jess! Funny, I was feeling a little nausous…
  • Oops! Dinner (last night) 4 oz. chicken 1 c. green beans 1/2 oz. dry roasted corn 1/2 c. FF yogurt Snack 4 dried apricots And I didn't get my workout in earlier, sick kid and all, so I went out last night and dug the end of our driveway out with a shovel, the hard-packed snow-plowed stuff, what a workout!!!
  • Didn't get my workout in :grumble: My 5 year old had been sick Fri. and Sat. was feeling better Sun. Before school Mon. I noticed he had a hive like rash on his torso and called the doc, well the nurse, and gave her all the details, sore throat, mostly gone, low fever, now gone, rash on torso??? She said it was probably…
  • Breakfast 3 c. water 20 oz. coffee 1c. quinoa/oatmeal porridge 1 clementine
  • Running I guess, I always want to be fully hydrated, and so I carry a bottle around that holds 4c., drink and fill, I've been doing it since I started training for my first marathon in '06 and it's just habit now :smile: Plus it's all I drink except for my morning coffee and a few cups of tea, no milk, pop, juice or other…
  • Dinner 1 tilapia filet 1/2 c. steamed zucchini and yellow squash 1 1/2 c. spinach, tomato, gr. pepper and onion salad 2T. FF dressing 1/2 c. red grapes Snack 1/4 roasted sweet corn (crunchy like corn nuts, remember those? Yummy, found 'em in the natural section) Water, water, all day long 20 c. total 2 c. herbal tea too
  • Thanks Cherapple! I LOVE sweet potatoes too, and would like that recipe. The other day I just poked some holes in one and baked it for 45 minutes, ate it with just a pinch of sea salt, it was so yummy! Did my workout and went grocery shopping for Mexico, we only eat dinners out, and bring as much as we're able to. Snack 1…
  • Heading to the gym, speed interval, and quick strength, followed by sauna. Post-workout snack 1c. 13 bean/bison chili 1 clementine 4c. water (during and after workout)
  • I'm back, computer konked out (again), fixed again, santa better bring us a new one! I've been doing pretty well, will not meet my vacation goal of 135, but that's okay, my suit fits, and I think I look good in it, so... Mostly ate clean last week, with a few little indulgences. Today starting off right, I will do my 30…
  • I'm computer konked out (second time) and just got it back from the doc, hope santa brings a new one for Christmas!!! Doing pretty well, a few things here and there, went out to dinner after a concert last night, split a french dip and fries w/ mom, and a cookie and ice cream dessert, split it though, did not…
  • Yes, clean eating is a good way to cleanse, without putting much effort into it, it's the best way...I just have to stop the crappy food binges and be consistent.
  • I have a yummy tilapia recipe, with a roasted red pepper sauce, healthy, low-fat, and tastier than tarter. 1 T. butter, or low fat spread, or olive oil, or Pam. 1 1/2-2 lbs. tilapia 1/4 t. salt 1/4 t. paprika 1/2 c. light mayo 1/4 c. chopped roasted red bell peppers (from a jar) *1/4 t. cumin 1 garlic clove, minced Preheat…
  • No protein until dinner (none yesterday though), doesn't bother me, drink enough water and I'm always full, plus I get to eat the leeks! I do like to cleanse though, I've been doing that on and off for years, probably goes hand in hand with the yo-yo-ing.
  • I don't especially like cod, I think I had a bad batch once, so.... I always buy tilapia, it doesn't have that fishy flavor so many don't like, I spray it with pam, then sprinkle whatever seasonings I'm in the mood for, always some salt, any Mrs. Dash flavors are good, garlic, cumin. I bake it uncovered at 400* for 15-20…
  • Coffee Magical Leek Soup (all day, to counter the 10, yes 10, lbs. of water weight I gained over 3 days of crappy, very unclean eating :embarassed: Water, water, water. But for dinner I get greek marinated chicken with roasted veggies and grapes! Yay!
  • Hummus is super-tasty, also there's this yummy FF dressing, wasabi dijon, that I LOVE for raw veggies.
  • I'm 5'6", and that's how it always is for me, about 3lbs. per day of crappy eating, that should be a lesson in itself, no? :wink: I think because I "yo-yo" back and forth eating so healthfully (very clean, compulsively clean) that when I stray, I go crazy, so my body is like-whoa!!! :wink: Magical Leek Soup took off 6 of…
  • Yes, I did gain 10 lbs. in 3 days, but it happens to me whenever I go off the deep end of eating and I know it will be gone in a couple of days, just water, but can you believe that? !0 lbs.!!!:noway:
  • I kid you not, I was 145 last Thursday morning, and yesterday (after 3 days of bad, bad eating)
  • overprocessed and refined foods (taste yummy, but) make me: sluggish perspire excessively at night sleep too heavily retain tons of water (I'm not kidding, like 10 lbs, really!) have dry mouth, even if I'm drinking lots
  • I had a bad, very bad weekend, I never fully recovered from book club :embarassed: and then Sat. night hubby and I went out to eat, and junked out, and I ate most of my baked goods :sad: I am getting my period, and though that is no excuse, this one is going to be bad, I have bad ones every few months, and it starts with a…
  • Make sure and eat right after your workouts too, Larabars are all dates and nuts and lots of calories and good fats, about 200 cal. right there. A hunk of cheese with a piece of high cal. fruit, banana, big apple etc. Adding the nuts, dried fruit, and more cheese, would easily give you more calories, without feeling like…
  • 2 c. water Coffe, black 1 shredded wheat bran/raisin muffin, homemade, 1/2 T. smart balance spread 4 c. water 1 c. ham/13 bean soup (ham isn't the best I know, but I love the soup and there's not much ham in it) 1/2 c. green grapes 4 c. water 1 low cal ww tortilla, 1/4 c. veggie rice and bean, 1/2 serv. mozz cheese, salsa,…
  • Quick motivational story about my first ever 10K (which was my longest distance at that point too). So I show up at the race, I had never run more than about 5 miles, I'm standing next to a marathoner (in total awe, as I hadn't done any yet), and telling him my hopes of first of all just finishing, and secondly trying to…
  • Just found this: Shortcut: An ounce of meat or fish has approximately 7 grams of protein. Beef Hamburger patty, 4 oz – 28 grams protein Steak, 6 oz – 42 grams Most cuts of beef – 7 grams of protein per ounce Chicken Chicken breast, 3.5 oz - 30 grams protein Chicken thigh – 10 grams (for average size) Drumstick – 11 grams…
  • My friend is an athletic trainer and she and I were talking about protein intake, and she said that too much protein can be bad, I know there are so many different opinions on protein, and whether or not your athletic, weightlifting etc. but Jess, 125-150 g. of protein seems like way too much?? I remember doing some…
  • I don't want to eat egg whites all day either The thing with the cheese is it's so many calories, to eat a whole cup of cottage cheese, plus I don't like it anyway. And most yogurts are really just like desserts with all the sugar, so you have to eat plain, which is fine, and the nut butters are so high in fat! Okay I'm…
  • I get really frustrated with that too! I wish there was a list with all the proteins (besides meat, and in portion sizes, nuts, beans, yogurt etc.) I don't want to eat 20 oz. of meat each day, but don't know how much yogurt, or nuts and beans I need compared to a 5 oz. meat serving.
  • I have 2: I make a master batch of oatmeal (steel cut), I toast the oats, add the water and a cinnamon stick and some allspice kernels, it makes about 10 servings. I heat a serving up in the morning with just a bit of milk or soy, add 1/2 a banana, 1/4-1/2 oz. walnuts, some cinnamon and eat! It tastes like banana bread!…
  • I always drink room temperature water, not icey, not hot, it's the fastest way for your body to use it, which is good all around I think. As a runner, in summer, I know that it is dangerous to drink too cold water when your body temp is up.