

  • My kids' school is about a mile away but it is downhill from my house. I will typically run down the hill to get to the school on time and then walk back up the hill - did I mention it is really steep?! - with my kids. Oh and I am pushing my youngest in a stroller. When the weather permits this makes for a snack size…
  • My biggest struggle is when I eat something I did not plan to eat. When that happens I usually throw the rest of the day away by binge eating - I end up eating all the things in my house that are high in calories just because. :( Biggest struggle for sure and haven't quite been able to just let the one thing I ate go and…
  • I try to drink a minimum of 1/2 my weight in water also. To help me achieve this goal I have a 16 oz glass of water when I first wake up and then one at each meal during the day. In between I try to refill after I empty meaning every time after I empty my bladder I put 8 oz of water back into my body!
  • I like your mindset of wanting to be healthy! That's my ultimate goal is to be healthy all the time. It has to start sometime so why not now right?! :happy:
  • I'm at 157 but could really use some help with support! I have come down from 190 before being on my fitness pal but that took me YEARS to get off. I'm a horrible binge eater. If I don't do things perfectly then I blow it completely! I have worked through crazy diets but realize that I need to be focused on what kind of…
  • I am right there with you. I'm 32 - soon to be 33, 5 ft 4 inches, and weighing in at 157! I'm tired of constantly feeling insecure about my physical appearance. I have a trip coming up - mid April - that I would really like to look good for so I just joined a local gym and working out 5 days a week for 60 minutes. I know…