New Friends Around 176 Pounds

Hi All

I'm new to this am 175 pounds and need to lose around 40 pounds would love new friends thats similar as finding it soooooo hard at the moment and my weight doesn't seem to be shifting!!!

Would love to hear rom you, with any tips, advice or motivation I HAVE to do this and have dumped all the shakes, protein bars, diet books and magazines!!


  • jessicatrogers1
    jessicatrogers1 Posts: 14 Member
    I weigh 178 and need to lose about 20. I have kept track of my calories, stayed in my range and exercised three days in a row. I am motivated because in 7 weeks I am going on a trip with my husband without the 6 kids. Tired of being depressed over being overweight.
  • 1808kristin
    1808kristin Posts: 23 Member
    I am 170 lbs and want to loose about 20 lbs too. Do I qualify? :-)
  • tinkystyle
    tinkystyle Posts: 76 Member
    I'm 176 right now. I have quite a way to go. Ultimate goal=130. Feel free to add me and we can support each other.
  • fimary
    fimary Posts: 274 Member

    i am around 175 lbs weigh day not till march 1st, busy mum with 2 kids, diary open really been good since 1st feb with exercise log in every day

    only 4ft 10 so have about 50lbs to lose

    good luck
  • I'm at 157 but could really use some help with support! I have come down from 190 before being on my fitness pal but that took me YEARS to get off. I'm a horrible binge eater. If I don't do things perfectly then I blow it completely! I have worked through crazy diets but realize that I need to be focused on what kind of foods I'm putting in my body instead of what I am restricting from my body! I know I'm not in the 170s still but I would love to motivate and support others so feel free to add me if you would like!
  • eclaireya
    eclaireya Posts: 61 Member
    I'm also in the 150's- I'm 156 and 5'3"- I have lost it before- from 180-135 but a back injury has sidelined me from most exercise and helped my gain back 20 lbs. I have been having a lot of frustration lately around my lack of motivation and accountability and would love friends in similar situations who could give me a swift kick to the behind! Add me if you would like! :)
  • Jollyin14
    Jollyin14 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm at's not an easy journey but once you get use to logging everything and doing your exercise it just becomes second nature. I have been at it since the beginning of Jan and have lost 12+lbs. I wish it was falling off faster but I'm in it for the long hall. My 2014 goal is to make 2015 the first time in my life where I don't start the year saying "I'm going to lose weight this year" Add me as your friend I we can motivate each other!
  • Hi All

    I'm new to this am 175 pounds and need to lose around 40 pounds would love new friends thats similar as finding it soooooo hard at the moment and my weight doesn't seem to be shifting!!!

    Would love to hear rom you, with any tips, advice or motivation I HAVE to do this and have dumped all the shakes, protein bars, diet books and magazines!!
    I'm 184, can I still join the fun? :wink: I need to lose, right now, 30 lbs to be in my healthy weight range. My motivation is to be healthy and finally be able to say truthfully that I feel great about myself.
  • Kari121869
    Kari121869 Posts: 180 Member
    I'm at 174 (well that's the last 'loosing' weight I logged at - darn scale goes up and down more than a yo-yo! lol). I want to loose another 20 or so - add me if you'd like.. I have an open diary so my MFP friends can give me 'direction' when things are 'stalled'... I do the same for them. :) Have lost most my 23lbs (so far loss) since I started logging daily on here - it's definitely a big help!!
  • MamaGraff
    MamaGraff Posts: 39 Member
    I weighed in 10 days ago at 178.8 pounds. I am now 173.4 pounds which is a total of 5.4 lost in a short time. I would love to have others similar to me for support. I am currently trying to get to 155-160. I will see how I feel when I get to that point. I have been going to the gym 3-4 times a week for the past two years but I have never had my eating under control. I am currently following a low carb program and feel amazing. I have never had so much energy. My coach is allowing me to continue at the gym at low intensity because I dont want to give up my healthy living. Hope to continue on this site for support and new ideas.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    I started at 176 on 1/2/14 and am currently at 163. I log daily and am not perfect/go over but I log everything honestly. Anyone can add me if they'd like, most of the friends I have on my list have abandoned their profiles.
  • Hi,

    I am in my 150s too and looking at losing about 20 lbs. Just started this today and hope to stick with it. I am in my 40s and it is so hard to lose the weight by just eating better or exercising a few times a week. You really need to do both. I live in the Midwest so this winter has been hard (and kind of depressing)...looking forward to some warmer weather so I can get outside and walk.

    Good luck in your journey and looking forward to hearing about your progress.
  • Curlychip
    Curlychip Posts: 292 Member
    Im just starting too and Im at 173lb at the moment. Im just doing a monitoring week at the moment to see where I can make changes :flowerforyou:
  • kaydoh2014
    kaydoh2014 Posts: 33 Member
    I started tracking using MFP on January 4th, weighing 181.8. As of February 16th (I only weigh myself once a week) I'm down to 169.8. I'm new at all of this stuff. These are the things that have helped me - religiously logging my food on MFP. Because I eat breakfast at work I log my breakfast and lunch during my lunch break, but I tend to have one breakfast every day Monday through Friday so it's easy to remember what I had. This is the first time in my life I've ever used a food scale, and for me it's made a big difference. Helper #2 - I spend Sundays preparing my breakfast for the week (usually extra thick rolled oats cooked with Chinese 5-spice), as well as whatever grain I'm going to have with lunches during the week (spelt, wheatberries, and sorghum take quite some time to prepare, but they're wicked easy). I make a large bowl of salad to keep in the fridge ready-made so I have no excuse not to have it for lunch. One bag of romaine hearts, one small package of baby spinach, one container of grape tomatoes (whole, not halved or anything), one cuke (scrape out the seeds - it helps to keep the lettuce from getting yucky), and one red, orange or yellow pepper (eat your colors!) fit perfectly in a larger plastic covered salad bowl, and you've got lunch for the week. I roast my chickpeas for a little extra protein on top my lunch salad - better than any crouton I've ever had. So, a couple hours of work on Sunday and I've got 5 healthy breakfasts and 5 healthy lunches ready to go. Helper #3 - I went on ebay and got an activity tracker. I chose the Jawbone UP, but that's just my personal choice. There are tons of them out there. Find one that peaks your interest, then stalk it on ebay until it's yours. I could never have afforded one buying it from Jawbone - I'm not exaggerating when I say I got it for 1/10th of what I would have spent had I bought it directly from Jawbone. Helper #4 (and this should actually be #1) - I don't let what the scale says rule my life. Women's bodies fluctuate. Muscle weighs more than fat. So the scale might hate me this week, but my pants sure don't, and neither does my energy or pride! Be proud of yourself for making your own health more of a priority!
  • DebraYvonne
    DebraYvonne Posts: 632 Member
    I started at 189 down to 145 back up to 154,aiming for 130! add me. I am tired of bouncing!!!:flowerforyou:
  • kaydoh2014
    kaydoh2014 Posts: 33 Member
    dmfrom, I feel your pain! I hate winter. Despise it. And this winter is ENDLESS! I want so badly to be outside digging my dirt so I can start some plants again. Snow snow snow and did you see those icicles in my picture! So, I feel ya. But we're almost there! Daylight Savings time starts March 9th. We're almost at the point where we can exercise outside. But in the meantime, I've found the Virtual Active app to be very helpful on the treadmill, elliptical, and Nordic Track. You can get real live scenery videos - not animated, not computer generated, real videos of the Swiss Alps or the American Southwest or California Beaches and all kinds of beautiful warm looking places to look at while outside our doors there's 4' of snow and temperatures, if you're lucky, are in the double digits. The speed at which the scenery changes is determined by the pace you're keeping on whatever equipment you're using (you can bike with it too). The videos are $7.99 each, but you pay that once and you own it for life. I've found them to very helpful emotionally this winter. And they certainly give me something gorgeous to look at while I'm exercising. Makes the time go much faster too.
  • hkristine1
    hkristine1 Posts: 950 Member
    I'm at's not an easy journey but once you get use to logging everything and doing your exercise it just becomes second nature. I have been at it since the beginning of Jan and have lost 12+lbs. I wish it was falling off faster but I'm in it for the long hall. My 2014 goal is to make 2015 the first time in my life where I don't start the year saying "I'm going to lose weight this year" Add me as your friend I we can motivate each other!

    We're like twinsies! I started at 180 and have lost 11 lbs... basically since mid-December. slow and steady is the name of the game this time... no discouragement that it's not faster. It will get there. DO NOT GIVE UP!!!
  • MommyToAllieB
    MommyToAllieB Posts: 56 Member
    I joined MFP in December at 176...I had already lost 11 lbs of baby weight at that point and have lost 14 more since then. Shooting for 10 more lbs. Happy to be your friend if you want :)
  • nmslater77
    nmslater77 Posts: 7 Member
    178 lbs here and hoping to lose 30-40 pounds. Single working mom with two little kids. This is really hard for me, but I have found that MFP friends help motivate me since I don't have much of a support system in my "real life". Feel free to add me :).
  • aless820
    aless820 Posts: 101 Member
    Around 176 myself and would love some motivation myself! I started a week ago! Would love to help you too!