

  • Try Bikram if you have no bp or heart issues It's intense, and torches calories. If it's to much, rigorous vinyasa is great too.
  • A HUGE salad. I put in lettuce, cukes, onions and tomatos, a teeny bit of cheese for decadence(blue), a little dried fruit for sweetness (craisins), and a few nuts for protein (slivered raw almonds). I also add some nf cottage cheese to creamy up the plain vinegar I put on as a dressing, but that's just me.
  • Avocado, full fat yogurt, and olive oil, and nuts. Yummo!
  • Full fat yogurt, Stonyfield Yo Baby is awesome. Avocado. Mash it up and mix it with applesauce. Oatmeal with cream and brown sugar and a little protein powder. There is special weight gain formula that a pediatrician can prescribe - or try the otc version you can buy at a drugstore. If he likes salty, full fat cottage…
  • AMAZING! You've lost a medium sized PERSON! And you look gorgeous! SO cool!
  • What an inspiring post!! You have been a real inspiration to me today. Thank you. I felt the same way on the first mother's day after my first miscarriage (I've had two), and a smart friend told me something that helped me a little. She said that it was my day too, because the pain I was in proved that I was a great mother…
  • Well, in my fantasy land, Angelina Jolie circa Gia, or Kim Kardashian, cause all I ever wanted was a naturally small waist, and I shall NEVER have one. So my REAL inspirations are Jessica Biel, Charlize Theron, and Linad Hamilton circa Terminator 2.
  • I totally hear you! I think the food is where you have to start. Cleaning up your house (I have three kids too!) and running around will keep you active - throw in a couple of sets of crunches and beginner push-ups to start and you are on your way. I have just started here too, and tracking every single thing I eat is…
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