

  • oh, and my grandmother has this f*cking excellent recipe for mashed potatoes with cream cheese and sour cream and it fills a whole 9x13 pan to capacity. my fiance doesn't like mashed potatoes, so i have been known to make it for myself and eat mostly just that for days. it's way too heavy to kill in one sitting, though,…
  • i've done pretty much the same thing as #2. i went to target before the gym, bought a bunch of candy, and ended up sitting in my car in the parking lot of the gym, dressed to work out, eating all of the candy. honestly, i've probably done a lot of stuff like that! i know my fiance and i fairly often do things like make…
  • haha thank you! i used to work there and it was a fun job, but not so good for my BMI
  • (bumping my own post) No one? maybe I should have called it "thigh gap" lol
  • I agree with everyone saying that you're supposed to get tired. Sometimes I get so wiped from my workouts that I lie flat on my back on the floor for a few minutes, then you know what? I get back up and I keep trying. The pain and exhaustion is the price of improvement.
  • I never eat back my workout calories. I just don't put them into mfp so I don't have to deal with it telling me I should eat more. My mother used to be the fitness coordinator for a naval base (she's in her 50s and recently ran her first marathon and climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro -- the woman's in phenomenal shape) and she said…
  • Haha yes! I always wanted to be Lara Croft and I'm not letting myself forget it! ... No matter how unrealistic it is.
  • I went up 5 lbs, and it's incredibly depressing, but i'm trying not to lose my motivation. We've got goals, right? so, one step back then two steps forward. I'm trying to think about it as a conservative, path-independent force vector (which may not help if you're not into math or physics). it doesn't matter what the path…
  • i'm such a pear! it's frustrating, because i can wear size medium shirts but have to wear like xl or xxl bottoms. lol it's just really difficult going shopping because of that.
  • no, i actually love the idea of thinking the food isn't free because i have to pay for it in calories! lol and limiting myself to a little is definitely easier than not eating it at all. the other thing i've been working on is trying to nibble more on our lower calorie items than on the really bad ones (and, of course,…
  • very well appreciated advice, thank you! i do keep snacks, but the weekly average hadn't really occurred to me. i'll try to keep that in mind. thank you so much!
  • please help! i don't want this thread to get lost because this is a huge problem for me. thanks
  • i'm so in! it comes out 5 days after my birthday, too, so there's double motivation! i have to look good in my costume at the premier! *such a geek*